Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - How to play split screen

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero - How to play split screen

There are several steps to play split screen in Dragon: Ball Sparking Zero. If you're a player who has just started jumping into the hit fighting game, however, there is some separate wording in the menus you must navigate to find the couch co-op mode. If you want to play local multiplayer with your friends, navigating the menus and knowing the ins and outs of the mode is a must.

Do you use one of the strongest fighters in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Or an obscure character hardly anyone has heard of, any of the over 180 available characters can be used in split screen once they are unlocked. There is one fundamental limitation to split-screen mode that affects quality. Regardless, it fulfills his need to play 1v1 on the same screen.

How to play split-screen

A few quick steps

The menu in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero to select the split screen mode

After launching Dragon Ball: Sparking ZeroYou can immediately jump into split-screen mode by navigating the main menu to the Battle & Training SectionWhich has Gohan, Goku, Piccolo and Supreme Kai in the front. once there, Select the "Battle" option, followed by "Offline.” Finally, Select "P1 vs. P2"And you will be taken to the menu to choose your set stage and characters for a split screen match with a fellow Sparking zero Player.


You can do this from the beginning, even if you are just getting into the game for the first time. It is much easier than other mechanics that raise character proficiency in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero For every fighter. It's even simpler than getting all the Ability Items you can get in the game.

Does split screen run well?

Yes, but it is limited

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Gameplay of a split screen battle in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber between Goku & Vegeta

The split screen mode in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Runs quite well compared to other genres of games. Compared to Fortnite, for example, the shared screen space between multiple players for a third-person shooter means it can be difficult to find weapon names or look at the mini-map. Along with smooth combat with no latency, split screen is much more ideal for fighting games like Sparking zero Since it is primarily a close-combat fighting style means almost nothing is lost in the off-screen department for each player.

There is a Nexus Mods mod called "Let's Fight Somewhere Else" that allows Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Players to play split screen on more maps. However, it is only available on PC.

The only downside to split screen in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero is that the only stage you can use is the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and only one player can select characters at a time. Whether the developer will ever expand the capabilities of the mode is unknown, but it works as a minimal version for now. If you do not forget to select the Battle & Training section of the menu, you can play Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Split screen as much as you want.