Dragon Ball: Spark! Zero includes special story events called "Sparkling Episodes" that you can unlock to change the events of famous stories Dragon Ball row. By changing the outcome of battles or choosing specific paths, you can change what happens in a character's story. While not canon, it's a "what if?" The scenarios may be interesting to explore for die-hard fans of the established story they are used to.
The plot of the game repeats the same events as Dragon Ball Z And Dragon Ball Super which you may be used to. Although the game has a lot of characters and transformations. DB: Spark! Zero from GT series and original Dragon Ballmost of the events shown are related to the two mentioned earlier. Episodes are character-specific and include episode battles and choices you can make.
Explanation of arcing episodes
Change the events of different characters
Like the main story itself, Sparkling episodes are tied to the individual characters you play as. as you enter into a series of episodic battles with that fighter. They are divided into chapters that feature different stories from anime and manga. For example, the Android/Cell arc from Dragon Ball Z is a key section of the Gohan saga, containing several chapters of battle sequences.
Spark episodes are deviations from the standard path leading to “what if?” situations when you meet certain requirements during the episode. Some goals can be achieved during the actual battle in the episode, such as defeating an enemy within a certain period of time. However, some sparkling episodes are unlocked when you make choices different from how the normal story might have gone.
For those who know history Dragon Ball Z And Dragon Ball Superit will be easy to know when choices leading to alternative events occur. For example, choosing to fight Raditz alone as Goku during his saga instead of Piccolo changes the outcome of the story. If you don't know the history of the heroes DB: Spark! Zerotry to play through the game as normal before attempting to unlock the sparkling episodes.
Every highlight episode and how to get them
Take alternative paths once they are selected.
Once you find yourself stepping away from the regular story, you'll unlock a sparkling episode to play through. Complete the "Sparkling" episode to unlock it permanently. so you can play again at any time. Whenever you return to a character's saga, you will now have the option to return to the Sparkling episode without having to complete the unlock requirements again.
Eat A total of 13 brilliant episodes you can unlock no matter what version DB: Spark! Zero you have. Here are the requirements to obtain each sparkle episode in the game:
Chapter title |
Character Saga |
How to unlock |
Side by side |
Goku |
For "Earth's Mightiest Duo?!"select "Go Alone" against Raditz. Then defeat Raditz as quickly as possible during "Raditz vs. Turtle School" Episode Battle. |
Transcending borders |
Goku |
For "Earth's Mightiest Duo?!"select "Working with Piccolo" against Raditz. Then defeat Raditz as quickly as possible during "Rematch and Result" Episode Battle. |
Changing future |
Goku |
While in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, select "Go and help" and defeat Cell as quickly as possible without getting hit by his Solar Flare attack. |
Parental connection |
Vegeta |
For "Wind-up doll." defeat Android 18 as quickly as possible. |
Place number one |
Vegeta |
For "Vegeta's Evil Heart" choose "Throw away the brainwashing" resist Babidi's mental manipulations. |
The strongest warrior |
Gohan |
For "Defend the Earth from the Power of Freiza!"Defeat Frieza's soldier and force Frieza to transform into Golden Frieza against you during the fight. |
Mentor's Guide |
Piccolo |
For "Mild anxiety" choose "Help Goku" during the chapter. |
Shining Hope |
Future chests |
For "Perverted World" Defeat Zamasu and Goku Black as quickly as possible. |
Inherited pride |
Future chests |
For "Trunk selection" choose "Stay here and train" as your option. Then, during "Become the strongest in the universe" defeat Gohan, Piccolo and Vegeta as quickly as possible. Finally, during “Father or teamwork?”select "Follow Vegeta." |
Heading towards tomorrow |
Future chests |
For "Trunk selection" choose "Stay here and train" as your option. Then, during "Become the strongest in the universe" defeat Gohan, Piccolo and Vegeta as quickly as possible. Finally, during “Father or teamwork?”select "Go with Gohan." |
Frieza Force joins the battle |
Frieza |
For "Frieza is reborn" Defeat Goku and Vegeta as quickly as possible. Then complete every four Episode branches. "Frieza's Philosophy" while you explore the character's saga. |
Proof of justice |
Goku Black |
For "The beginning of the third act" Defeat Goku and Vegeta as quickly as possible. |
True Power |
Jiren |
For "Saiyan Rampage" choose "Wait and See" change the character's story path. |
While it's unclear whether future characters added to the game will receive Sparking Episodes, the ones in the base game are worth exploring. Anyone who unlocks every episode of "Sparkling" in Dragon Ball: Spark! Zero will be able to see how the fates of their favorite characters might have changed if events in the cult story of the Saiyans had unfolded differently.