Dragon Ball Dima is the last and final original series in Akira Toriyama’s beloved anime universe. His place on the timeline is a frequently discussed topic. In episode #1, however, the series quickly clarifies for fans that Dragon Ball Dima Takes place right after the victory against Kid Buu in Dragon Ball pTrunks celebrates his birthday with the remaining heroes. This means the series precedes the events of both Dragon Ball Super And Dragon Ball GT On the franchise timeline, with many opportunities for Goku and friends to find adventures in the Demon Realm and a new set of Dragon Balls.
As the series goes over the events of Dragon Ball p Including a special focus on the demon realm after BW eating Dabura, a path forward is created in Dragon Ball Dima with a new threat seeking to stake his claim to power. Gomah, the new king of the Dark Demon Realm, feels significantly threatened by Earth’s mightiest warriors, having seen them defeat Majin Buu in his many forms, and recognizes that they must be stopped so he can remain uncontested. Thus, Gomah sets out to fulfill his wishes, confirming the events and timeline of Dragon Ball Dima in motion.
Dragon Ball Daima takes place the defeat of Utter BV but before Super and the peaceful world saga
Complete Akira Toriyama’s timeline
With Trunks’ ninth birthday visibly celebrated, Dragon Ball Dima is still set multiple years before the Peaceful World Saga and the space of Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of GodsAnd Dragon Ball GT. One of the easiest tips of this timeline difference is to see a visibly mature teenage trunks in the Dragon Ball p Epilogue, meaning Always Has a lot of ground to cover for fans who want more adventure. Dragon Ball Dima It promises to be a new adventure, albeit with some obsessions, diving into the universe’s lore, namely the Demon Realm and a new set of Dragon Balls.
While Dragon Ball Dima’s The timeline position is relatively clear, fans and newcomers are encouraged to check out the series whenever they want, as it offers an elegant recap of the series while introducing new characters and story arcs. The series is set as a homage to every favorite aspect of Dragon BallDown to glimpses of his opening theme at the end of episode #1, featuring lyrics by Yukinojo Mori, who composed Dragon Ball p Most iconic theme songs. However, despite the series resembling a fond look back at Toriyama’s legacy, It also promises to push forward meaningfully.
Dragon Ball Daima expands series lore and pushes forward in the timeline
Demons, dragons and black wills
Much of the first episode of Dragon Ball Dima Is a phenomenal lore cap, a dream come true for Dragon Ball Fans are craving something fresh and new for the series. Instead of inevitable topics for power scaling, the first episode introduces An expansion on the presence of the Demon Realm in the series canon, how it moved in Dabura’s absence, and more. What’s especially enticing for Dragon Ball Dima Fans is a remix on classic franchise staples, namely a new and mysterious set of Dragon Balls, and the black wheels give them a nefarious aura in the story.
Gomah, the new Demon King, is the antagonist for the beginning of Dragon Ball Dima. Still, other characters like Neva, a surprisingly interesting Namekian native to the Demon Realm, and some Supreme Kai siblings will also figure heavily into the plot. With Goku and his friends being shrunk into child forms in the series, this means a drastic shift in the franchise’s power status quo, with inevitable questions about how it will play into the plot of Dragon Ball Super. In one episode, Dragon Ball Dima’s Contributions to the timeline may be the most exciting ever.
Dragon Ball DAIMA is the fifth overall series in the action-adventure anime franchise. It features most of the classic cast members as de-aged versions of themselves, including Goku, Vegeta and Bulma. The series was announced at NYCC 2023, with creator Akira Toriyama returning to lead DAIMA’s run.
- Seasons
- Writers
Akira Toriyama