Orange Piccolo is a powerful and imposing new form acquired by Dragon BallThe iconic Namekian warrior during the Dragon Ball Super: Superhero film. When Shenron, the Eternal Dragon, bestowed this ability on Goku's green friend, he commented that it resulted from his hidden potential. When it was first introduced, the series made it seem like it was just another one-time transformation to help Piccolo defeat the eccentric androids Gamma 1 and 2 and the monstrous Cell Max.
However, after the revelation that the Namekians were originally from the demonic realm in Dragon Ball DAIMA episode 1, this form took on a whole new meaning. Piccolo's unused potential could have been his race's dormant demonic genes being awakened for the first time. This would explain not only his impressive increase in strength, but also the drastic physical change he underwent.
Orange Piccolo could be the demonic form of the Namekian
His characteristics are similar to Demon King Piccolo
After realizing he was not powerful enough to defeat Dr. Hedo's brilliant Gamma 1 and 2 droids, Piccolo went in search of the Dragon Balls to become stronger. The wish Shenron granted him awakened the hidden potential he had within.giving him the ability to use an Ultimate form similar to that used by Gohan. Additionally, Shenron said he put "a little extra" into him, which resulted in Piccolo's Orange form. In this state, Piccolo is stronger and more durable than any other Namekian in the franchise. Despite how much he struggled to fight the Gammas during their first encounter, Piccolo managed to easily defeat them while in Orange form.
With the information revealed in Dragon Ball DAIMA Regarding the origins of the Namekian race, which resided in the demonic realm, this powerful form became more interesting. For many years, one of the only ways for a Namekian to become stronger was to absorb another member of their race, as Piccolo had done with Nail and Kami. There has never been a mention of a transformation in this iconic breed. Since this form comes from Piccolo's dormant potential, This implies that the power was born from demonic genes inside the green warrior.
If that's the case, the abrupt change in appearance that accompanies the transformation would make a lot more sense. In this form, Piccolo adopts an appearance that appears several times more savage, like that of his father, the menacing Demon. King Piccolo. Both beings are several times more muscular and taller, as well as sharper than average fangs. There is a high probability that Shenron gave Piccolo access to his race's demonic abilities, which were lost to time when the Namekians adapted to Universe 7.
Demon Realm Namekians Could Have Originally Been Like This
Orange Piccolo suggests the original form of his race
Demon King Piccolo has always stood out from other members of his race due to his unique appearance. His appearance was obtained due to the darkness that resided within him, making him one of the few members of the Demon Clan. Yet, DAIMA may have proven that there is still much more to discover about the Namekians. There is a high probability that the transformation Piccolo acquired was the original appearance of members of his race born in the demonic realm.
In fact, Orange Piccolo's explanation in Superhero was very disappointing, so it would be great if this plot point was revisited. Dragon Ball DAIMA has already proven that it will change many preconceptions that fans had about the franchise with its shocking revelations. The truth about the origins of the Namekians could change how many characteristics of this beloved race are seen. Lots more details about these beloved aliens and Piccolo's orange transformation may be introduced in future episodes of this new entry in the franchise.
Dragon Ball DAIMA is the fifth series overall in the action-adventure anime franchise. It features most of the classic cast members as aged versions of themselves, including Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma. The series was announced at NYCC 2023, with creator Akira Toriyama returning to manage DAIMA.
- Seasons
- Writers
Akira Toriyama