Dragon Ball Daima is the franchise's best chance to finally resolve a major Super Continuity error for two favorite heroes

Dragon Ball Daima is the franchise's best chance to finally resolve a major Super Continuity error for two favorite heroes

The Dragon Ball Franchise is no stranger to continuity problems, but one significant one is introduced by Dragon Ball Super About the ages of Goten and Trunks. However, given what is known about Dragon Ball DimaThe new series may offer an explanation for their inconsistent aging — if it wants to.

Goten and Trunks are two boys of about the same age, with Trunks being slightly older than Goten. Dragon Ball Super Begins several months after the end of the BW saga, and spans quite a long time, taking up most of the 10-year gap between Dragon Ball p And its distant finale. However, despite this long time, Goten and Trunks don't really age at all, at least until now Dragon Ball Super: Super HeroWhich is set near the end of the 10-year gap. The sudden change in Goten and Trunks' appearance is reflected in the Super Manga too, but no explanation is offered.

Trunks and Goten's lack of growth remains one of Super's most annoying inconsistencies

Trunks and Goten should have been much older for later Super Sagas

Comparison of Trunks and Goten in Super and at the end of p

Trunks was born in age 766 and is 8 years old at the end of the Buu Saga, but at the time of Supers original arcs, like the Universe 6 saga, he should already be 14 years old. The same, of course, is true for Goten, but both are still depicted looking more or less like they did during the Buu saga. Future Trunks, on the other hand, is 14 at the time of Gohan's death in his timeline, and is much more visibly mature and mature. There's no clear reason why Trunks is so much less developed in the main universe, and it's likely just an oversight as a result of Goten and (now) Trunks not factoring in. Super Very much.

This is particularly frustrating for fans who wanted to see the main timeline version of Trunks grow into a character more than his future counterpart. Trunks is artificially kept looking childish Super Specifically to avoid dealing with this problem and keep future trunks and represent trunks as visually distinct characters. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero And its corresponding manga arcs manage to skip over any period of growth that Trunks and Gotan undergo, and cut straight to them looking like teenagers, despite it being only a few years later than the Universe Survival Saga.

It has been implied throughout the series, mostly through Goku's own growth, that Saiyan children tend to have "growth spurts" in which they grow rapidly in a short period of time, and while this explanation may work for Goten, it still leaves Trunks with the massive Time. Difference between his Super appearance and his future trunks appearance. This is also shown inconsistently with the half-Saiyan characters, like Gohan, who was about the same size as Goku was at 12 when he was introduced at only 4 or 5 years old. This explanation just doesn't quite work, at least for trunks.

Daima's timeline placement and digging curse give it a good chance to fix trunks and get

Daima could explain why Gods and Trunks age so slowly

Gotten and trunks de-aged to babies in DAIMA.

Dragon Ball Dima Currently appears to be set earlier Dragon Ball Super And after the BV saga of Dragon Ball pBased on what was seen in the trailers. DAIMA Also features all the main characters affected by a curse that reduces them to the size and appearance of children, even for those (like Piccolo) who don't actually have a child form. however, It is shown that Goten and Trunks, who are already child-sized, have regressed all the way to being babies againLeft dressed as babies and lying on the ground.

It is possible that the curse had an effect on Trunks and Goten's growth, offering a potential explanation for why the boys remain in child form for so long. Although the curse is likely to be undone by Goku at the end of the series, there are many ways it could still affect Trunks and Goten without impacting the other characters. Perhaps the curse is more effective on them because they are already children, or maybe they will be stuck as babies and forced to grow up again, effectively repeating ages 1-8, which would certainly explain why they only become teenagers in super hero.

Dragon Ball Daima may fix other Dragon Ball Super Continuity issues

Daima offers an opportunity to restore continuity

Of course, the question becomes whether DAIMA Would even be interested in fixing this little continuity problem. It is also possible at this stage that DAIMA Could be set in an alternate universe of SuperIn which case it obviously can't do anything to fix the continuity issues one way or another. DAIMA May or may not be interested in cleaning SuperIt's messy, but it at least has the opportunity to do so, and in this case, quite cleanly at that.

DAIMA There is already one notable continuity problem with the highest keywho plays a big role in the series, but who still needs to be reunited with his assistant Kibita; Kibito and Supreme Ki are shown diffusing during the Universe 6 saga of Dragon Ball Super. Perhaps the Dying Curse is responsible for reverting them back into two separate beings, but that is only speculation at this point. The series could certainly clear up this particular situation, as there is a continuity error introduced in it Super Because DAIMA.

Dragon Ball Dima Safe does not exist only to fix problems with SuperBut the opportunity it presents could be used to clear up at least this one particular issue with Goten and Trunks. Trunks has long been an odd point in the larger Dragon Ball Continuity, and fixing this would certainly go a long way to win over some fans who may still be hesitant to embrace DAIMA. Dragon Ball has become more careful with continuity over the years, and hopefully that concern with continuity will still be present within DAIMA too.

Dragon Ball DAIMA is the fifth overall series in the action-adventure anime franchise. It features most of the classic cast members as de-aged versions of themselves, including Goku, Vegeta and Bulma. The series was announced at NYCC 2023, with creator Akira Toriyama returning to lead DAIMA's run.




Akira Toriyama