Dragon Ball Daima is the best tribute to Akira Toriyama's legacy fans could ask for, and the new episode proves it

Dragon Ball Daima is the best tribute to Akira Toriyama's legacy fans could ask for, and the new episode proves it

Dragon Ball Daimathe latest addition to Akira Toriyama's legendary game Dragon ball franchise, is on air, with new episodes released every Friday. Produced by Toei Animation, the series featured stunning animation in its first five episodes as Goku embarks on an adventure in the Demon Realm. With each episode, new characters and plot points are introduced to expand Toriyama's world.

While fans were eager to see what new additions these characters and journeys will bring to enrich Akira Toriyama's world, the latest episode may have proven that this new installment may not be as "new" as expected. Dragon Ball Daima Episode 5 introduces a new character named Panzy, who, upon deeper viewing, looks more familiar than fans initially thought. This nod, along with other familiar elements already introduced, could reveal that Daima draws heavily on the franchise's original charm, something that has made her beloved by fans around the world.

Dragon Ball Daima uses Bulma's characteristics in its newest character

Introduced in episode 5, "Panzy"

Node Dragon ball franchise, many characters are known for their strength, as the central premise of the series has always been increasing power levels. Characters like Bulma, who lack physical strength, may be at risk of being marginalized. However, through Toriyama's masterful writing, Bulma has remained an integral part of almost every major plot, and without her, the story often feels incomplete. This feeling is becoming increasingly clear in Daima as the new Demon Realm setting makes it difficult for many iconic characters to join Goku on his journey, as evidenced by Gohan's absence from the series thus far.

Although the ending sequences showed that Bulma, along with Vegeta and Piccolo, will eventually reach the Demon Realm, Bulma's involvement may be limited by her hostile environment. Episode 5 of Daima, however, introduces Panzy, a character who makes it clear that the basis of her characteristics are based on Bulma, but a subtle change will allow her to face this challenge. In this episode, Panzy insists on joining Goku and the others, finding him intriguing, and reveals his specialty in machines. Although this moment indicates that her character is inspired by Bulma due to their shared interest, another significant detail is soon revealed.

Later in the episode, Panzy is revealed to be the daughter of the Third World Demon King. Her status as princess of the Third Demon World reflects Bulma's status as the daughter of the founder of Capsule Corp. It might be easy to assume that Panzy, with her childlike appearance, is added to evoke nostalgia and act as a replacement for Bulma as Goku's adventure continues. However, a subtle detail may justify Panzy's unique presence at Daima.

Daima's Newest Character Panzy Is Bulma's Best Counterpart

Panzy's demonic characteristics are necessary to the plot

Dragon Ball DAIMA Panzy using magic

In Daima, new elements continue to emerge, presenting new challenges for Goku and the other Z Fighters on their journey. The final obstacle is the Demon Realm's environment itself: the air here is denser than that on Earth, making it difficult even for Goku to fly freely. Given this, Bulma's role may not be as effective for Daima, as her lack of physical strength and unfamiliarity with the Demon Realm would restrict her movements, potentially harming the group as well.

While Bulma's technological prowess can normally support the team, Demon Realm technology is likely unfamiliar to her, limiting her effectiveness. Instead, Panzy, a demon and technology genius with magical abilities, is a natural counterpart. Her familiarity with the Demon Realm environment would allow her to fill a unique role that Bulma may lack. However, as the series has yet to introduce truly overwhelming threats beyond the Tamagami, Panzy's presence remains secondary. However, Tamagami's mysterious powers hinted at through its appearance may in fact be what requires its specific abilities, allowing Panzy a significant role in confronting these entities.

Dragon Ball Daima may be drawing on the characteristics of its iconic villains for its new antagonists

Tamagamis could be a reference to Akira Toriyama's famous love of robots

Tamagamis guarding the Dragon Balls in Daima

Although King Gomah is considered powerful by residents of the Demon Realm, he will likely not pose much of a threat to the Z Fighters, who have already surpassed his counterpart King Dabura and even Majin Buu. The real challenge for them will come from the mysterious Tamagamis, creations of the Namekian Demon Realm Neva, whose sole purpose is to protect the world. Dragon ball of the Demon Realm. Known for their exceptional strength, Tamagamis have already intrigued Goku and fans alike, eager to gauge their true power.

With their unique design, artificial nature, and hints that the Demon Realm incorporates advanced technology, Tamagamis may be inspired by the iconic Androids of the Demon Realm. Dragon ball universe. They could pose a similar level of threat to Goku and Vegeta as the Androids did in the Android Saga. Fortunately, Panzy, with experience in Demon Realm technology, can provide the critical support the Z Fighters need to face the formidable Tamagamis.

Other significant references in Dragon Ball Daima that may be inspired by the franchise's iconic elements

Although the new characters introduced in Dragon Ball Daima continue to draw inspiration from the franchise's iconic characters, the plot itself is also rooted in classic elements of Dragon ball. One of the clearest inspirations is seen in Dragon Ball GT plot about turning Goku back into a child. Daima takes this concept further by aging up all the main characters and reintroducing Goku's iconic Power Pole, adding a strong nostalgic touch.

The series also delves into the Demon Realm, a plot hinted at in Toriyama's original Majin Buu saga, while also introducing unique elements of its own, including its version of senzu beans and distinctive fusion techniques. Lastly, the hidden details in the opening and closing sequences of Daima being made to honor the author is a subtle touch that amplifies exactly what this issue is trying to do. These elements make it clear that Dragon Ball Daima is built on the best aspects of Akira Toriyama's original vision, serving as a tribute to the late creator and reigniting the enduring love fans have for this beloved franchise.

Dragon Ball DAIMA is the fifth series overall in the action-adventure anime franchise. It features most of the classic cast members as aged versions of themselves, including Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma. The series was announced at NYCC 2023, with creator Akira Toriyama returning to manage DAIMA.




Akira Toriyama