Dragon Ball DAIMAThe latest entry in the incredible franchise created by the beloved Akira Toriyama, continues to expand the series' lore and universe. The introduction of the ruthless Demon Real came with shocking revelations about the world inhabited by Goku and his friends.
One of the most intriguing revelations the series has to offer is the debut of a breed known as Glinda genderless species from which most Kais originated. The introduction of this new race, which does not naturally possess any divine energy, may explain Zamasu's horrible behavior in Dragon Ball Super. His suffering in the Demon Realm may have caused his young mind to view mortals as pests worth exterminating.
Zamasu's time in the Demon Realm may have caused his hatred for mortals
This new world is full of dangers and evil beings
One of the first things revealed in episode #1 of Dragon Ball Daima anime series was the unforgiving Demon Realm. While the show made it clear that not all races hailing from this dimension are inherently evil, like the Namekians, whose origins were retconned, it also explained that many vile characters called it home. As a member of the Glind, a common species found in the Demon Realm, Zamasu probably had to deal with many of the dangers and evil citizens of its domestic dimension.
When he was old enough to leave his birthplace and ascend to godhood, he became resentful of mortals. Giving him access to divine knowledge and power only encouraged his standing in relation to non-god beings. His already biased psyche could have been made worse by being chosen to fill the role of Universe 10's Supreme Kai. No other mortals were selected for this prestigious role, so he was the only worthy one among them. His childhood trauma, immense ego, and increased abilities thanks to the divine energy flowing into him, made him a monster that fans got to know.
Zamasu's hypocrisy hides his deep shame
Despite refusing to accept, he was once mortal
While Zamasu's past as Glind in the Demon Realm may explain why he became a villain, it also exposes his blatant hypocrisy. Although he may have become a God at some point in his life, Dragon Ball Daima episode #6 also clarifies that he was born mortal. No member of the Glind race is born with divine Ki and his above-average fighting skills are still nowhere near the level of deities. Despite this, Zamasu refused to recognize himself as anything other than a god during the Future Trunks Saga.
This strongly suggests that Universe 10's Supreme Kai apprentice feels inadequate about his origins. Zamasu despite being one of the most powerful villains in the franchise felt ashamed of being born mortal. What's more, Glind may have also felt embarrassed by his lack of strength, which led him to overtake Kakarot's body and give birth to the sinister Goku Black. Even though he refused to admit it, Zamasu's difficult life and insecurities were what inspired his Zero Mortal Project.
Dragon Ball Daima continues to impress fans with its incredible plot, fun episodes and the changes it brought to the franchise. While it's probably not the main purpose of this reveal, the background of the Glind species helped fans understand Zamasu on a much deeper level.
Dragon Ball DAIMA is the fifth series overall in the action-adventure anime franchise. It features most of the classic cast members as aged versions of themselves, including Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma. The series was announced at NYCC 2023, with creator Akira Toriyama returning to manage DAIMA.
- Seasons
- Writers
Akira Toriyama