The Spies Among Us is a side quest in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard this gives players a great way to gain the strength of many Antivian Ravens with very little work. The mission is to help solve the mystery surrounding the betrayal of the Antivan Crows, but you can skip the mission and still be fine overall. However, this quest should not be ignored because the extra boost to the Antivian Ravens' strength is worth all the effort.
This mission only involves one fight and can feel more like a distraction than a way to move the story forward. However, this is an excellent time to see if you want to swap romantic companions for your party if you need to respect Rook. Dragon Age: The Veil Guard and get easy gold and experience. You won't regret focusing on this mission.
How to find and start The Spies Among Us mission
Where the mission begins
To unlock the Spies Among Us mission in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardyou will need to pass some prerequisites. First, you need complete The Dragon Slayer or Where the Dead Must Goboth found in the Antivan Crows hideout. You also need to choose follow Lucanis during the critical choice at the end of the main storyline mission, A Warden's Best Friend. Unfortunately, this means you'll have to give up trying to save Minrathous, so this quest won't open if you try to save Minrathous.
To begin this mission, go to the Sanctuary of the Antivan Crows in Trevisolocated in the Central neighborhood of the city. As you get closer, a quest marker will appear, showing the location of a scroll near Viago. Walk up to it and interact with it to read this scroll and start the Spies Among Us quest. After reading the scroll, head north from the Sanctuary, using the zipline to cross a gap.
How to find all the clues
Investigate every clue
Your next stop is the rooftops of Crow's Road in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardbut the zipline makes it so much easier. After finishing your tour, you will encounter a group of three Venatori. Beat Venatori and look for a legible note on top of some wooden debris where they were. This note will open the next part of the quest, but you'll also find a level 25 Blight Cyst used in the Gate of Deep Sorrow quest, so be sure to pick it up.
Then return to the Crows' Sanctum and talk to Chancewho will be standing near the entrance. Just look to the left of the walkway to find it; he has a quest marker above his head. He will give you more details about the Venatori's activities and direct you to the submerged part of Treviso, the Drowned Districtwhere you will find the clues you are looking for. This part is much easier than it seems because your quest marker will help a lot.
Just follow each quest marker. The minimap shows them as far away as possible, but each quest marker on the screen takes you to the next step along the way.
Head to the Drowned District lighthouse to start finding clues. You'll immediately notice three quest markers that tell you where to go. The first clue is easily accessible. Climb the nearby stairs and go through the window on the leftfollowing the path around the corner to find the first clue, which is a note. Watch the video below Gaming Tournament for a visual guide.
The second clue is hidden in a room accessed by breaking a wooden barrier. Head west from the first clue to find the barrier blocking a staircase leading upwards.. Destroy the barrier, climb the ladder and the second clue will be on a table in the room. The final track is a little harder, but not difficult at all.. Fast travel to the second lighthouse in the Drowned District. From there, follow the east path until it opens slightly into a room with a closed door. Open the door and enter this room. You will find the final clue hidden behind the door with a glowing quest marker above it.
Return to Chance in the Crows' Sanctum after finding all three clues. He will be happy with your discovery and you will finish this little side quest. You will receive 200 gold, an armor upgrade, five Fade-Tocuhed crystals, and 100 Antivan Crows Strength as a reward.. Strength is the best part of this side quest because it's a huge boost for such a short quest. So it's definitely something that should be on anyone's to-do list for anyone following this path. Dragon Age: The Veil Guard.
Video credit: Gaming/YouTube Tournament