Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How to unlock the Warden Vault

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How to unlock the Warden Vault

When exploring the Rivain Coast in Dragon Age: The Veil GuardRook is likely to stumble upon the Warden's Castle, and within it, the Warden's Vault, with good items to grab if they can solve some puzzles. After recruiting Taash, players can return to Costa Rivain and explore the area. Several side region quests are here, especially in the large Warden Castle ruins that take up much of the map. In the lower rooms of the Castle, players can find the Warden Vault and continue the quest.

There is little guidance for unlocking the Warden Vault other than activating the three seals in the Vault. These seals correspond to the seals that Rook will need to activate around the Warden Castle by solving three smaller puzzles. See where to find and how to activate each seal to unlock the Warden Vault in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard.

Where to find the director's safe

Return to Rivain and fight Antaam

To find the Warden Vault and pick up this region quest in Dragon Age: The Veil GuardRook will need to return to Rivain via fast travel or via the Eluvians at the Crossroads and continue exploring the Warden Castle they first found when recruiting Taash. Once they discover the Great Hall, they can head down the stairs on the right behind the drawbridge to find a door blocked by Blistering Drakestone. Rook will need to have Taash melt him with his fire breath or use the Lyrium Dagger if Taash is not one of the two companions at active party.

Once the Drakestone melts, they can enter the vault to find the three erased seals, a sealed door, and a note to help them get started. The quest will also begin if players find and activate one of the seals first.

How to activate the first seal

Blow up the Gaatlok at the gate

To find and activate the first seal, fast travel to the lighthouse outside the gate at the entrance to Castle Warden. Go diagonally across the arc from the fast travel point. Near one of the stone walls is an explosive pot of Gaatlok. Have Taash use fire breathing if they are in the active group or use the Lyrium Dagger to blow him up. Then, proceed through the opening in the wall.

Take the first leftthen turn left again and enter a room full of boxes, barrels and wagons. Roll or run through them to eliminate them and reveal three seals and unlit torches with activation levers below them. This puzzle is always random, but the objective is to light all three torches at the same time. The solution tends to be one of the following:

  • Left lever, center lever, right lever
  • Left lever, right lever, center lever
  • Right lever, center lever, left lever

Once all three torches are lit, proceed go up the stairs, climb the wooden barriers and enter the Castle.

Pull the lever on the wall under the three lit torches to open the gate. In this room, loot the large chest and throw the lever to activate the seal on the right wall.

Be sure to go down the stairs to the right of the Castle entrance and pull the large lever on the floor to the left to open the front gate, which will allow easier access to this area later.

How to activate the second seal

Follow the ghosts to a secret room

Rook finds and investigates the first skeleton in the skeleton and ghost puzzle to open the Warden Vault in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The second puzzle requires Rook and the group to investigate the remains of four Watchers and follow one of their ghosts to the entrance of a secret room in the main hall of Watchers' Castle. First, follow the quest marker through the right side door of the Great Hall. and left to find a skeleton surrounded by ghostly green butterflies and interact with it. A ghost will appear and pass through the wall.

Follow this ghost back to the Great Hall and out of the Castle. Head back towards the fast travel beacon and go through the arch from the first puzzle again. Go through the hole in the wall opened in the first puzzle and go up the stairs again. To the right, behind the three pillars of a small alcove, find and activate the second skeleton sitting in the corner leaning on some bricks.

Rook stands in front of the secret door opened by the ghost during the Warden Vault puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Follow this second ghost down the stairs, through the hole in the wall and through the archway to find the third skeleton. Interact with it to make the ghost fly back towards the Castle Gate.

Finally, enter the main hall and find the ghost standing in the back right corner, in front of the wall. As Rook approaches, he will pass through the wall, opening a secret door and revealing the second seal. Throw the lever to activate it.

How to activate the third seal

Find and use a Wisp

Gaatlok Pot sitting on a ledge in the back courtyard of Castle Warden in Dragon Age The Veilguard

To solve the third puzzle and activate the last seal to access the Warden Vault, follow the quest marker through the castle to the back courtyard. Directly to the right of the courtyard's back gate, find and have Taash or the Lyrium Dagger explode another pot of Gaatlok to knock down a ladder. Climb the ladder and follow the path to get the Wisp. There is a time limit on how long a Wisp will follow Rook, so be sure to move quickly when he is following and go down the ladder, or you will have to go back and start again when he disappears.

There may be Antaam in this area, especially if the quest For Gold and Glory is still active. Defeat them before attempting this part of the puzzle to avoid interruptions.

Return inside the Castle and turn left, passing the training dummies. Have Taash's fire breather or Lyrium Dagger melt the Drakestone blocking the path. Turn right and go up the stairs to the hole in the wall. The Wisp will float through the hole in the wall and enter the skeleton, which will rise and activate the lever to open the door on the left. Go through the door and activate the lever to light the third and final seal.

Rook finds the skeleton and lever through the broken wall in Dragon Age: The Veilguard's Warden Vault region quest

Return to the Great Hall, re-enter the vault to complete the Warden Vault region quest, and claim the loot inside. The loot here varies by game, but generally includes a piece of equipment for Taash, a piece of equipment for another companion (in my game, it was a dagger for Lucanis, who was in the active group), random amounts of gold and resources, a weapon or piece of armor for Rook based on the class chosen in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardand an exclusive ring.