Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How to solve Power Crystal puzzles (Echoes of The Past)

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How to solve Power Crystal puzzles (Echoes of The Past)

Echos of the past has some puzzles that can confuse players Dragon Age: The Veil Guard. While many puzzles are short and easy, this puzzle can be tricky because of the hidden items. The crystals needed to open the doors are hidden in the area, making it difficult to try and open them. You can find them quickly and easily once you know where they are.

Once you find each crystal and place them in their respective areas, you will move on to the next part of the quest. You'll get one puzzle after another quickly, but each puzzle appears in different areas. There are three in total, and each one gets much more complicated than the last. This feels like a treasure hunt, like finding the wolf figurines in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard.

How to find the first set of crystals

Solve the easiest puzzle

You will need two crystals for this first Echoes of the Past puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard. This puzzle exists to teach the basic concept of how this puzzle works. Bellara, a romantic companion in DA: The Guard of the Veilwill be at the door trying to open it. That leaves you to find the two crystals. Don't worry; these two are close together, which is the easiest part of the mission.

Go to the across the room, the south edge; you will see the second crystal next to a table. Bring it back and place it in a crystal location near Bellara. So, start from where Bellara is and go to the portal in the wall in front of you. It will show a Statue of Halla beyond the barrier. To the left of this barrier is a crystal. Pick it up and move it to the open crystal location. This will open the doors to the next area.

How to find the second set of crystals

Solve the medium difficulty puzzle

You will need three crystals for the second Echoes of the Past puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard. This is a little more complicated because the crystals are not obviously seen. Both are well hidden in the area and trying to find them can be annoying. Fortunately, they are not far from the door, just hidden nearby. Once you have them, return to Bellara to put them in their places.

To find the first crystal, go to the stairs next to the next passage. Climb to the top and follow the wooden path to the next crystal. Once you see it, pick it up and return to Bellara, placing it in any of the crystal spots. The second crystal will be nearby in west corner with all the boxes and bushes. Destroy the boxes and you will see that she was hiding in that area.

After taking the crystal back to Bellara, you can finally find the last one. The final crystal is in west side of the room, next to the golden door. Climb up what appears to be a broken staircase near it to find the final crystal. This crystal will be next to some larger inactive crystals. Pick it up and return it to Bellara.

How to find the third set of crystals

Solve the hardest puzzle

You only need two crystals in this latest Echoes of the Past puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard. They won't be as easy to find as the others because they require you to think of ways to get to them. However, you won't need special skills; knowing where to go and what to do is enough. For visual help, check out this video from OHMS Games.

To find the first crystal, turn left from where Bellara is. You will see one of two crystals across a chasm. Run along the trail until you see a wooden post. Interact with him to kick and bridge to the other side. Then turn right and climb the nearby stairs. Once you're at the top, you'll find the first crystal you need. Jump down but don't place it in the location near Bellara yet.

Although you normally place your crystal in the location once you find it, this crystal is used to find the other one.

You will use this crystal to get the next one. Go back to where you saw the crystal to see a location to place this crystal in. Once placed, a bridge will appear, allowing you to reach this new crystal. Take the new crystal and place it with Bellara, then go back and take the first crystal you found and place it with Bellara.

Once this is done, Bellara will leave the area and return outside. She will inform you that she has reached a conclusion and will inform you about her brother. It's a really exciting scene, but the puzzles will be solved and you will have completed the Echoes of the Past puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard.

Video credit: OHMS/YouTube Games