There are some types of puzzles in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardbut you can only solve the brazier puzzle in Costa Rivain with the help of our good friend Taash. The fire-breathing Qunari allows you to light these braziers, But that's not all you need to solve this puzzle. If you're like me, this puzzle will leave you stumped; The braziers do not have a timer, nor is there an indication of which one you should light and when.
Lots of puzzles in Guard of the Veil It has to be solved without tips, but this was one of the most frustrating for me. Perhaps the distance between the braziers made it difficult to run from one to the other. Or maybe it's just because I couldn't find a single clue as to how this should be resolved. Anyway, I figured it out and could receive the rewards for my hard work.
Rivain Coast - Clifftops Brazier Puzzle Solution
Light each brazier in order
The first brazier puzzle you will encounter is in the Cliffside region on the coast of Rivain, south of the Eluvian and west of the Gray Warden Vault. You will find your way to this area during the "For gold and glory"questline, or before, if you like exploring like me. You'll already need to have recruited Taash, as their fire is the only thing that can light these braziers.
Once you reach the area, you will need to light the braziers to complete the puzzle. The first is the one to the east, at the top of the small cliff ledge, the second is to the north near the waterfall, then the third is close to the Lighthouse. After lighting the third brazier, you will access a hidden cave containing a chest and some items. There's not much to it, but no indication tells you which brazier to light first, so this one is annoying.
Rivain Coast - Tide Flats Brazier Puzzle Solution
This brazier puzzle will have to wait for later
There will come a point in your game where you will no longer be able to explore the Costa Rivain, as passages to unexplored locations will be closed or unavailable. The Tide Flats is one of those locations you can only reach in the later parts of Guard of the VeilAct 2. After reaching the northern part of Costa Rivain, you will find a sealed bone gate with three more braziers.
Unlike the braziers on the cliffs, these braziers have a timer. Start by lighting the northwest brazier outside the bone door. Then it's time to run because, unlike the previous braziers, these four have a timer. If you don't light all four in time, they will all go out, like the Wisps in DA: The Guard of the VeilFarol's will only be with you for a brief period.
The second brazier is in the southeast of the region close to the coast, and you'll have to ask Assan to dig it out of the sand. Look for the button prompt to grab it and keep going to the third brazier. This one is located in the tower above the beach's massive ribcage and spine, which you can climb up to. Use Harding's ability to lift the rocks nearby to access the tower.
If you're struggling to get all the braziers in time, you can dig up the second one and lift the rocks from the fourth one before you start running. Once you do this, they will stay that way, making your next attempt a little easier.
The last brazier is close to the first, but at a different elevation. You can find a staircase to the left of the door and then another that leads to a cliff. Go around the edge of this cliff, follow the path to find the final brazier, and quickly ask Taash to light it to unlock the door. It takes a little effort, but this brazier puzzle isn't very difficult overall.
Rewards for solving brazier puzzles in Rivain Coast
Some items, some armor, some trinkets
Both brazier puzzles in Costa Rivain offer similar rewards. The first puzzle offers some armor for Rook, a "Dwarf Key"trinket that Harding can equip and then a message to receive. Like most "regular" chests in Guard of the Veil, The rewards aren't anything crazy, but good enough that they're worth grabbing while you're around.
The second brazier puzzle, the one in Tide Flats, offers similar rewards. This puzzle only offers one chest; PerfectParadox on YouTube shows that you get the "Favor of Fortune +9"armor for Taash, a souvenir and some materials for your problem. Although brazier puzzles are, in my opinion, the least interesting type of puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardthey're easy enough to be worth it.
Video credit: PerfeitoParadoxo/YouTube
- Released
October 31, 2024
- Developer(s)
M For Mature 17+ // Blood, Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence