Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How to get the secret ending

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How to get the secret ending

There's a secret that ends in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard which players can only achieve by completing a side quest and collecting some things. This can be difficult and if you don't know what to look for, you You might end up missing this ending completely.. To see the bonus scene, you will probably also look for the best ending, since a crucial component of the best ending is also a requirement here.

There are several endings in Dragon Age: The Veil Guardand this all depends on what players do when completing the game. You may be trying to keep as many of your companions alive as possibleor you may be trying to cause as many casualties as possible. However, if you are aiming for the secret ending, you I want to follow a selected path.

The steps to follow to unlock Dragon Age: The Veilguard's Secret Ending

Collecting the right pieces of lore

The player speaking Mythal in Dragon Age Veilguard

You will have to follow a few steps to reach the end without making mistakes on the first play. There is two main things you should do To get this ending:

  1. Complete the side mission Regrets of the Dire Wolf
  2. Collect 3 Mystery Circles

The first step asks you find all 6 Wolf Figurines in Veilguard, which will give you a lot of information about Solas and his kept secrets. You will have to finish first The Call of the Wolf side quest to start this one, before moving on.

Once you find them all, you you must take them to the Lighthouse and place them on the pedestals in the library. This will allow you to receive the Mythal Essencewhich is crucial for both this ending and the game's good ending.

To get the best ending, all possible companions and faction leaders need to survive, and you must have 3 stars with each faction. Companions must also be all Heroes of the Veil Guard. Make sure this is true before you pass the point of no return if you want to get the best ending and the secret ending.

Finish this quest line and then you will need start finding mysterious circles.

Where to find the mysterious circles

Discovering three hard-to-find mysteries

There is 3 Mystery Circles in total find, and you must also have fulfilled some prerequisites for them. To see exactly what you should do and where each Mystery Circle is, check out the table below:



Prerequisites/How to Find


A small island in the Arlathan Forest

Find 4 lasers near the island and direct them to shine on the island's pillars to make a bridge appear.


Necropolis Halls

Complete the Unbound trophy, which requires you to complete two other missions:

  1. Restless Spirits
  2. Pinnacle of its kind

Once done, check the left side of the room where you found the dragon (i.e. The Formless One).


The crossroads

You must have finished The Heart of Corruption search. This one is quite simple as you will have waypoints marked and you must fight a total of 3 champions. Again, check the left side of the room where you found the dragon (i.e. Revenant Dragon) when you're done.

You can get a visual representation of the location of each Mystery Circle from YouTuber Sam Bramvideo. Once you have them, you can proceed to the end of the gamewhere will you unlock The suppressed storm trophy and can see the bonus scene.

Veilguard's secret ending is worth seeing

Is it necessary to watch?

A wolf in secret ending in Dragon Age The Veilguard

While it may feel like you're working hard for a reward in a short scene, you can't play 100% without it. So if you're aiming for the Platinum trophy, you'll have to see the end of the game anyway.

However, that's far from the only reason why the scene is worth seeing. For those who are deeply invested in Dragon Age tradition, there are connotations that go beyond this game. Without going into spoilers, there are connections between the two Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Inquisition that have not been seen before. There is also a tie in the book Tevinter Nightsand one hint of what's next.

That's as much as we can cover here, but the tips are worth checking out if you need your daily dose of knowledge. Although you can get it elsewhere, finding it alone will inspire some pride in the subject and make you feel much more fulfilled. If you work hard for the secret ending and love the story of Dragon Age: The Veil Guardyou won't be disappointed.

Video credit: Sam Bram/YouTube