Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How to beat despair, immortal (Boss Fight)

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How to beat despair, immortal (Boss Fight)

Various hidden achievements to Dragon Age: The Veil Guard is associated with side quests in explorable areas and one of the main ones, linked to the Gray Wardens faction and Antoine and Evka's side quests, is called In peace. To unlock this achievement, Rook must face Despair Undying, a Despair Demon boss that can only be found by returning to the location of a main story battle while exploring and completing side quests in the region.

Despair Undying is an easy boss to miss and is unique among other Despair Demons and bosses in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard because it cannot be defeated in combat alone. Instead of fighting, Rook must find a way to restore peace and hope. Here's how to defeat Despair Undying permanently and unlock the In peace conquest in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard.

Where to find eternal despair

Search for the location of a major battle

Rook fights Undying Despair in the Hossberg Wetlands in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Despair, Undying can be found in Hossberg Wetlands in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard. Only appears after the main mission, Fire and Icehas been completed and can be found in the Blighted Shallows region, south of Hossberg Wetlands.

In the center of the battlefield where Rook fought during Fire and Iceand frozen in ice is the demon Immortal Despair. Approaching him will cause him to attack and will also summon undead to fight alongside him. He fights like a conventional Despair Demon, although he has some stronger stats as a boss. Rook can fight Immortal Despair, and once killed, will speak an enigmatic phrase about the spread of Despair.

How to defeat eternal despair

This boss cannot be defeated in combat

As the name and cryptic final words indicate, Undying Despair cannot be permanently dispatched in combat. He will constantly respawn in the same location once Rook leaves the area, no matter how many times he is fought and killed. Instead of fighting it over and over again, Rook must find a better way to dispel the despair for good. This requires them to find and present three blue flowers to the demon's spirit form to restore hope to the Ruined region.

Rook will naturally find the first of these flowers when completing Antoine and Evka's side quest, Something is comingin the Hossberg wetlands. They will need interact with the flower near the tree in the Protected Glade to collect it. The locations of the remaining two flowers are not marked on the map or indicated by quest markers. Their locations appear below:

  • At the Old Crossroads, northeast of the Fast Travel Point and just southeast of the Gate of Dry Hopes in DA: The Guard of the Veil

  • Just east of the Gaspin Manor fast travel point in Solitude's Edge, in a small, easily missed cave

You'll know you have all three if you return to Lavendel and see blue flowers blooming in patches around the area.

After gathering all three flowers, Rook must return to Blighted Shallows and will find Despair Undying, no longer a Demon of Despair, but now in Spirit form. Approaching the Spirit will not trigger an attack, and Rook can interact with him to place the three flowers at his feet and ask him what he is doing there. He will speak of hope and will stop becoming hostile and posing a threat in the region.

Rewards for defeating eternal despair

Unlock a hidden achievement and collect high-level items

The Spirit that Immortal Despair turns into speaks to Rook about Hope once he is presented with flowers in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

The main reward for defeating Despair Undying is the hidden Dragon Age: The Veil Guard Trophy/Achievement, In peace. However, a chest contains evil items in each of the three areas, and one of the harvestable flowers is present. The cave near the Old Crossroads contains a chest containing a unique piece of armor or weaponand the cave in Solitude's Edge contains a normal chest with a random piece of Rook gear.