Doomsday's return will right a Lois Lane/Superman wrong

Doomsday's return will right a Lois Lane/Superman wrong


  • Superman #20 showcases Lois Lane gaining powers as Superwoman, possibly getting her revenge on Doomsday.
  • Doomsday's return from Hell will lead to a showdown with the super-family.

  • Lois Lane finally gets a chance to confront and defeat Doomsday alongside Superman.

Few events in the history of DC were as shocking as the death of Superman. Saw the man of steel go down swinging against Doomsday shocked the world, and over the years the writers revisited the story. Now, in 2024, I'm convinced that one major member of the super-family will get some much-needed revenge on Doomsday: Lewis Lane.

Superman and his family may have thought they were finally free from Doomsday when he was trapped in Hell, but it seems nothing good can last forever. The application for Superman #20 by Joshua Williamson and Dan Mora reveals that Doomsday has returned from hellWhich makes me think that Lois Lane will finally get her chance for revenge.

Superman #20 (2024)

Superman 20 Major Cover Solicitor: Doomsday's hand bursts from the ground between Superman and Superwoman.

Release date:

27 November 2024


Joshua Williamson


Dan Mora

Cover artist:

Dan Mora

Variant covers:

Dan Panosian, Brad Walker, Chris Samney, Dave Johnson and Carmine Di Giandomenico

Superman and Superwoman investigate Lois Lane's new powers as they deal with the unstoppable Doomsday...but when the mysterious time trapper reveals his ultimate secret, it shakes Clark, Lois and the rest of the super-family to their core.

Lois will gain new powers as Superwoman, and this presents a very interesting opportunity for her. While Superman is likely to want to do whatever he can to keep her away, it looks like it may finally be Lois' chance to kill Doomsday for killing her husband.


Lois Lane deserves revenge for the death of her love, Superman

It's Lois' turn to beat Doomsday

Comic Book Art: Lois Lane calls over Superman in The Death of Superman.

Doomsday killing Superman left a lot of trauma in the super-family, not just for Superman. Jon Kent grew to be afraid of Doomsday. He saw his dad as invulnerable, and for good reason, and after Doomsday was the one monster that killed his dad. Even more terrifying is that Doomsday hates all Kryptonians, meaning he may eventually come after Jon as well. It is a terrible situation for a child: to be afraid of a monster that they know their father cannot beat. Eventually, Jon manages to face Doomsday and beat the fear, and I think it's finally time for Lois to do the same.

The day Superman died was the worst day in Lois Lane's life. She has to stand by and watch the love of her life fight an unstoppable monster, and for the first time in their relationship, she has to confront the fact that this may be a fight he cannot win. All she could do was stand on the sidelines and hope he would win. While he defeated Doomsday, it seemingly cost him his life. Now that Lois has become Superwoman, Ultimately, she has the power to fight Doomsday alongside Superman And can even get revenge for all that trauma all those decades ago.

Superman and Lois can bring Doomsday down together

The best team in the DC Universe

After Superman returned to life, he had his triumphant victory over Doomsday during their rematch. During the climax of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths By Williamson and Sampere, Jon and Clark team up and bring Doomsday down. Now, I think it's finally time for Lois Lane to get her own revenge. She was powerless to protect her son and her husband from Doomsday's wrath, but now she has all the same powers as Clark, and Lewis Lane Was finally able to connect Superman and give Doomsday The beating he deserves.

Superman #20 Available November 27, 2024 from DC Comics!