Chris Evans will return to the MCU in 2026 Avengers: Judgment Dayand a new theory puts a huge and hilarious twist on Evans' return after his five-year hiatus. After its debut in 2011 Captain America: The First AvengerChris Evans played Steve Rogers' Captain America in ten MCU films before retiring from the role in 2019. Avengers: Endgame. He also played a shape-shifting Loki and reprized his classic role as the Human Torch, and Chris Evans will now return to reunite with the Russo brothers, Robert Downey Jr. Avengers: Judgment Day.
it has been confirmed that Robert Downey Jr. will return in Avengers: Judgment Day during Marvel's SDCC presentation in July, but he will play Victor Von Doom, aka Doctor Doom, rather than Tony Stark's Iron Man. Now that another MCU veteran is joining him, theories abound about who Chris Evans will play in Judgment Day. It's possible he could be recast as a powerful Marvel villain similar to Downey Jr., but a new theory brings back Steve Rogers' own Captain America. with a surprising twist that was already seen in 2017 Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Chris Evans May Return for Funny Captain America PSAs in Avengers: Judgment Day
Chris Evans Could Portray the Original Steve Rogers in Avengers: Judgment Day
A new theory proposed by Reddit user HermeticLove suggests that Chris Evans could reprise his role as Steve Rogers' Captain America in a series of public service announcements in Avengers: Judgment Day. This goes back to Evans' appearances in Spider-Man: Homecomingand it would be a hilarious and subversive twist on Evans' long-awaited return to the MCU. Chris Evans has always noted how protective he is of Steve Rogers and his Avengers: Endgame ending, but bringing him back for these short video sequences would maintain that conclusion.
Marvel Studios used Chris Evans' appearances in Spider-Man: Homecoming to completely subvert audience expectations. Most notably, the the Phase 3 film's post-credits scene worked as a funny joke, mocking the audience for waiting for the credits for a pointless scene which saw Steve Rogers commenting on themes of patience. This could easily be repeated in Avengers: Judgment Dayand while this may be a controversial way to bring Chris Evans back, it would be great to see Captain America himself back in the MCU.
Captain America PSA Theory Would Reflect Chris Evans' Previous MCU Return
Chris Evans has already returned to the MCU
Five years after he left the MCU in Avengers: EndgameChris Evans shockingly returned in 2024 Deadpool and Wolverinebut this return also subverted public expectations. Although he initially appeared to be returning as Steve Rogers' Captain America, Evans was actually revealed to be Johnny Storm's Human Torch from the 20th Century Fox film. Fantastic Four duology. This was fantastic and resulted in expressions of astonishment and laughter, which can be repeated in Avengers: Judgment Day if Captain America returns to deliver some brilliant new PSAs.
Avengers: Doomsday is the fifth Avengers film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will bring together heroes, new and old, to face Victor von Doom – played by the returned Robert DOwney Jr.. Avengers 5 will also mark the beginning of phase 6 of the MCU.
- Release date
February 14, 2025
- Release date
July 25, 2025
- Release date
July 24, 2026