Does Yoda know Ahsoka Tano is alive?

Does Yoda know Ahsoka Tano is alive?

Master Yoda and Ahsoka Tano both survived Order 66, but does Yoda know that Ahsoka is alive in Star wars? Yoda's Fate Star wars. Episode III - Revenge of the Sith was in some sense predetermined, like the original Star wars the trilogy confirmed that he lived on Dagobah during the Dark Times. Ahsoka's fate seemed much more sinister when she was introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars because she was not mentioned in the prequels; it seemed unlikely that she would get out of here alive.

Ahsoka not only survived Order 66, but also became an extremely influential character throughout history. Star wars schedule. Considering how active Ahsoka was, particularly during the Empire era, it raises the question of the extent to which Yoda knew Ahsoka was alive and participating in the Rebellion. At least regarding the first one. Star wars gave a clear answer.

Yoda interacted with Ahsoka in Star Wars Rebels

Star Wars Rebels showed that Yoda knew Ahsoka Tano was alive after Order 66.. In the series, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger and Ahsoka Tano visited the Jedi Temple on Lothal, Ezra's home planet. Although each character in the episode had their own storyline, Ahsoka ended up sensing Yoda in the Temple and turning to find him smiling and waving at her.

Although they did not speak to each other, it was obvious that they had an understanding at that moment. Rebels also leaves no doubt that it is indeed Master Yoda communicating with them through the Force, meaning that he actually saw Ahsoka and knew that she was alive. What Rebels however, does not reveal whether Yoda knew that Ahsoka survived Order 66 before this meeting in Rebels.

Did Yoda know about Ahsoka before the Rebels?

Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order in The Clone Wars, and Anakin Skywalker watches her as she leaves.

It is unclear whether Yoda knew Ahsoka was alive before this episode. Rebels. The last significant interaction between Ahsoka and Master Yoda occurred when Ahsoka left the Jedi Order following the Jedi Council's decision to expel her from the Order when she was falsely accused of murder. Ahsoka returned shortly before Order 66 to assist in the siege of Mandalore, but there was no real reunion between Ahsoka and the members of the Jedi Council, and Yoda really had no reason to suspect that Ahsoka had survived.


It is unclear whether Yoda knew Ahsoka was alive before this episode. Rebels.

However, it is possible that Yoda was able to sense Ahsoka in the Force, especially given how few Jedi remain. Perhaps because Ahsoka was one of the few, Yoda sensed her presence in the Force. Unfortunately, this is somewhat complicated by the fact that Yoda was hiding on Dagobah and Ahsoka rejected the idea of ​​her being a Jedi, both of which could mean that they were cut off from each other in the Force. Although the exact timing remains a little unclear, Master Yoda knew that Ahsoka Tano was alive after Order 66.