Does Smile 2 have a post-credits scene?

Does Smile 2 have a post-credits scene?

The smile franchise expands with a popstar-focused sequel, and after the events of its surprising finale, whether it's a Smile 2 Post-credits scene teasing more is known. Paramount and director Parker Finn launched a new horror franchise in 2022 as the first smile Movie received great reviews and performed very well at the box office. It was quickly announced that there would be a sequel, and Smile 2 Shows the smile curse finds a new target in Skye Riley (Naomi Scott). The story of the movie unfolds when she is haunted by the entity in between the start of a global tour.

While the cliffhanger in smileThe ending left room for more stories to be told, it wasn't a guarantee that a sequel would come. Now that Smile 2 is part of an established franchise and Finn has teased ideas for more smile Sequels, it's a A bigger possibility is that the franchise could use a post-credits scene to tease what else might be coming. This tactic is increasingly common with well-known franchises, and although smile Did not have a credits scene, which did not completely exclude the possibility of the sequel including something special in the credits.

Smile 2 does not have a post-credits scene

There is no sequel ties in the credits

It is confirmed that Smile 2 Does not have a post-credits scene of any kind. It is No mid-credits or post-credits scene used to tease Smile 3 Or pay a lingering plot of the sequel. That means audience who watch Smile 2 In theaters or on streaming can't miss any major revelations in the credits. However, it is still encouraged to sit through the scrolling text to see the names of everyone who worked on the film and made it possible.

Why Smile 2 doesn't have a post-credits scene

The decision makes sense for the franchise

Naomi Scott as Skye Riley is forced to smile by a bloody figure behind them in Smile 2

Instead of using a post-credits scene to tease where the franchise could go next, Smile 2 Opts to keep its ending as the last way that the movie leaves the door open for more movies. Smile 2Its ending leaves the franchise in a place where future installments are very possible. It too Leave a relatively blank canvas for Parker Finn when it comes to crafting the next story. This is better for the long-term future of the franchise than including a Smile 2 Post-credits scene that pigeonholes the direction the series can go.

While some may take the lack of a Smile 2 Post-credits scene as a disappointing sign for the franchise's future prospects, this should not be the case. Finn's hopes for the franchise to continue point to An optimistic outlook that Smile 3 will happen As long as Smile 2 is a success. Still, it's smarter for him and the series not to include an end-credits scene and an overt sequel tease when one isn't confirmed. Audiences are not promised another movie, so Smile 2 Skipping a credits scene and leaving the ending as the ending makes sense.


Parker Finn

Release date

October 18, 2024