Spoiler alert! This article contains spoilers for Joker: Folie a Deux.
Joker: Folie a Deux introduces Lady Gaga as DC's new Harley Quinn, but the film deliberately casts doubt as to whether the character is real or simply part of Arthur's mind. Joker: Folie a Deux follows from Jokerdepicting the trial of Arthur Fleck after his murder spree as the famous villain. During this, Arthur meets Lady Gaga's Harley Quinn, known simply as Leigh. Much of the film focuses on their relationship, but at the same time hints that Lee doesn't actually exist.
IN Joker: Folie a Deux, Arthur and Lee are in Arkham Asylum and quickly begin an affair. Harley Quinn is actively pursuing Arthur, who is infatuated with his Joker identity. The pair share a common misconception (hence the name). Foley-a-Doux), but it is unclear exactly how much of this is happening solely in Arthur's head.
Harley Quinn exists in Joker 2
During the first half Joker: Folie a Deuxit looks like Harley Quinn might be a figment of Arthur Fleck's imagination. No other character recognizes her, and she seems to be able to move around Arkham Asylum as she pleases. However, later events confirm that Lee is indeed real. The first big clue is that Lee is stealing a TV from a store window. scene told entirely from her point of view.
Later, Arthur's lawyer talks about Lee and they have a confrontation on television over Arthur's case. Indeed, when Harley comes to court, one man turns around and looks: pre-confirming its existence. Lee obviously appears to other people as well as Arthur, and is clearly a real character. However, that doesn't mean every scene she appears in is real.
Some things about Harley Quinn are only in Arthur's head
Numerous scenes from Joker: Folie a Deux were manifestations of Arthur Fleck's mental illness. The most obvious examples are the variety show scenes in which Arthur and Lee perform lavish musical numbers. Each one is lit differently, with bright colors and stage lighting this contrasts with the dark and dirty real world.
Interestingly, many of these scenes are accompanied by darkening and bright lighting. Symptoms that some medical professionals believe may indicate Arthur has a split personality.. These stylized episodes represent a common misconception between Arthur and Lee. However, some scenes that appear from the real world are not, such as Arthur's song after seeing Harvey Dent on television calling for the death penalty. The most controversial of these is the sex scene between Arthur and Lee in solitary confinement at Arkham Asylum.
While the sex scene looks like it's part of the dark and dirty real world, it makes no sense that the Arkham guards would allow Lee to visit Arthur alone, let alone allow them to engage in sexual intercourse. Even if Lee voluntarily committed herself to the asylum, Arthur is on trial for multiple murders, so if he is placed in solitary confinement, Lee, logically, will not gain access.. However, it is worth noting that the boundary between the real and the imaginary in Joker: Folie a Deux is deliberately blurred, leaving viewers as confused as its protagonists.
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