Doctor Who spinoff set images reveal first look at new and returning characters in action

Doctor Who spinoff set images reveal first look at new and returning characters in action

Set pictures for The war between land and sea are starting to surface. The Doctor Who The spin-off will feature familiar characters waging war against the infamous Sea Devils. The show comes after Ncuti Gatwa took over as the Fifteenth Doctor after Jodie Whittaker and David Tennant's tenure. Although Gatwa is not expected to take on a significant role, the cast will feature significant members of the UNIT agency.

Several Doctor Who fans posted videos and pictures of the new and returning stars filming the spinoff (via @cyberbby_TWT and @set_dw). One set of images features Jemma Redgrave reprising her role as Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, standing alongside leading actor Russell Tovey. After putting pictures and video also show Tovey with Soldiers march on city streets.

Click here to watch video of Russell Tovey walking with soldiers

Click here to see pictures of Russell Tovey walking around Cardiff

Click here to see pictures of Jemma Redgrave & Russell Tovey on the set of the war between land and sea

What the doctor who spin-off pictures and video mean

The BTS filming fleshes out the concept of the show.

The war between land and sea is set to be a Five-episode miniseries featuring UNIT waging war against the Sea Devils. Initially, reports indicated that the story would be set in the rural countryside, but the urban images revealed that there would be scenes of soldiers waging war in the city. The show will star newcomers Tovey and Gugu Mbatha-Ra alongside Redgrave, Alexander Devrient (Ibraham), Ruth Madely (Sirley Ann Bingham), and Colin McFarlane (General Pierce). Not surprisingly, it will also have the sea devils trying to fight all of humanity.


While the Sea Devils are best known for their time in the show's classic era, they returned to the revival series in season 5's "The Eleventh Hour." They had another appearance in season 12's "The Timeless Children," but 2022's "Legend of the Sea Devils" saw their full return. While the episode saw the characters in China in 1807, the footage and images confirm this The spin-off will take place in the modern era. Doctor WhoThe time travel shenanigans won't play any major role in forcing UNIT into the past.

Our take on the Doctor Who spin-off set pictures

Torchwood should be a model for success

Jemma Redgrave looks serious as Kate Lethbridge-Stewart in Doctor Who.

The set photos and footage don't reveal many specifics about the show, but they do offer a few key hints. The doctor won't be present, anyway Redgrave's most recognizable star. "The Legend of the Sea Devils" disappointed in terms of viewership, earning less than 3.5 million viewers. Therefore, the show will need an interesting hook to attract viewers. The Sea Devils aren't the most compelling villains in the show's history, but Redgrave could be key to changing that as she's a very valuable character in the main series.

The war between land and sea needs to be used Torchwood As a model for success by balancing humor with extreme stakes.

The John Barrowman-led Torchwood Spin-off already proved that Doctor Who Show can work without the Doctor, so a UNIT-focused miniseries has potential. The previous show proved that stories set in the modern day are worth exploring and that secret organizations are full of concepts. The war between land and sea needs to be used Torchwood As a model for success by balancing humor with extreme stakes, and the first views are already a sign that it is already leaning in a serious and twin direction.

Source: Various (see above)

The War Between Land and Sea is a Doctor Who spinoff series from the BBC. The live-action series will focus on the iconic sea devil species.




Doctor Who


Russell T. Davies