Doctor Strange reveals a new costume that reinvents the hero after losing his title of Sorcerer Supreme

Doctor Strange reveals a new costume that reinvents the hero after losing his title of Sorcerer Supreme

Doctor Strange has a new role in the Marvel Universe, and with it comes an incredible new costume. Without the title of Sorcerer Supreme, Strange is looking for a new path to power, allying himself with Asgard. This means he will have not only a new theory of magic to explore, but also an aesthetic to adopt as his own.

Marvel offered a first look on variant covers for Doctor Strange of Asgard #1 – written by Derek Landy with art by Charlemagne – showing a new design for the former Sorcerer Supreme now that he is embracing Asgardian magic after losing his original title of Sorcerer Supreme.

Marvel revealed three new covers for the initial #1 with art by David Marquez, Stephanie Hans and Clayton Crain respectively, a veritable who's who of Marvel talent. Strange's new fur-lined cape and armored limbs are the most obviously Asgardian elements of this costume, although it is also different from Strange's normal appearance in its color scheme.

Doctor Strange's new exploration of Asgardian magic also means an incredible new Asgardian design

Main cover by Geoff Shaw

Comic cover: Doctor Strange is in the BiFrost, preparing to cast a spell

Strange is currently looking for a new lease on life after ceding control of the Sorcerer Supreme title to Doctor Doom. Stephen believed that Doom would honor the agreement to return the title after “saving the world,” but Doom had a broader view of what “saving the world” actually meant. He never intended to give the title back - at least until he brought the entire Marvel Universe under his control. Now, Strange is officially without his Sorcerer Supreme title and decided to turn to Asgard to see if he can be the Sorcerer Supreme of a new kingdom.

Since readers do not know the full extent of the magic that Strange lost to Doom, it is It's worth asking if your new costume could be magical. If Strange has less inherent magic, then it would make sense for him to rely on the physical resources he has. Crain's variant cover imagines the yellow accents on Strange's new jacket as similar to his hand sigils. Maybe there's a practical reason for him to have a new outfit - other than just feeling the Asgardian cold a little more than the kingdom's permanent residents.

Does Doctor Strange's costume help his Asgardian magic?

Loki knows that a sorcerer needs to look the part

Comic panel: Loki God of Stories passes through a door.

What's interesting to theorize is how Strange's Asgardian Magic will differ from his traditional practice. As established by decades of Thor tales, the magic of the gods is the magic of storytelling. Loki, also appearing in this series, is literally the God of Stories. If Strange truly wants to embrace Asgardian Magic, then looking the part can literally improve his prowess - because in any good story, the hero needs to look the part. Doctor Strange the new outfit could be more than simply a great aesthetic choice and instead a key part of her new power.

Doctor Strange of Asgard #1 is available March 5, 2025 from Marvel Comics.

Source: Marvel Comics