Doctor Doom's huge new power upgrade makes him immune to the Fantastic Four's powers

Doctor Doom's huge new power upgrade makes him immune to the Fantastic Four's powers

Warning: Contains spoilers for Fantastic Four #25

like Doctor Doom continues to take center stage in the Marvel Universe once again, He has become totally immune to the powers of his eternal enemies the Fantastic Four. As Marvel's New Sorcerer Supreme, Doom has vowed to save Earth from itself and refuses to let anyone stop him, including Marvel's First Family.

Fantastic Four #25 - Written by Ryan North, with art by Carlos Gómez - Find the Fantastic Four dealing with the fallout from Marvel's massive "Blood Dog" crossover; Specifically, Doctor Doom has completely enveloped Latveria with a magical metal dome, and the four have no clue why.

Since Doom's ascension to Sorcerer Supreme, this is the first time readers have seen a glimpse into his machinations to create One world under doom. Now, because the Fantastic Four refuse to leave well enough alone, their curiosity has landed them on an alien world.


With his latest upgrade, Doctor Doom is no longer at the Fantastic Four level

Fantastic practice #25 - Written by Al Ewing; Art by Carlos Gómez; Color by Jesus Aburtov

Reed Richards tells Ben Grimm Doctor Doom's tragic backstory.

As expected of Doctor Doom, he intends to use his newfound powers to change the world into one he truly believes can achieve peace.

An often-forgotten fact, Doctor Doom has been considered one of the most talented and powerful wizards on earth for decades. Born in a Romani camp to a practicing witch, Victor von Doom was taught the mystical arts from a very young age. Unfortunately, after a deal with the Devil cost his mother her life, Victor dedicated his existence to finding a way to bring her back. He explored the world, looking for answers, absorbing knowledge of all magic, until he went to America to see if science could answer his questions.

Ultimately, the machine that left Doom badly scarred and hidden behind his metal mask was an unsteady amalgamation of magic and science. Despite his failure, Doom has continued to hone his magical mastery, delving further into unstable magic that even Doctor Strange is afraid to learn. Acknowledging by Strange on multiple occasions that Doctor Doom would be an obvious candidate for Sorcerer Supreme, It is no surprise that the Latvian king finally achieved this title. And, as expected of Doctor Doom, he intends to use his newfound powers to change the world into one he truly believes can achieve peace.


Doom embraced magic that even Doctor Strange could not achieve

Marvel's New Sorcerer Supreme is already reshaping reality

Doctor Doom announces that he is the Sorcerer Supreme and that he will bring world peace and prosperity.

This level of magical mastery is a brand new feat that even Doctor Strange hasn't pulled off before.

At the moment, there isn't much to say about what Doom has planned for his new attempt at world peace. Since his ascension, Latveria has been sealed off from the world with a power spell that manifests as an impenetrable metal dome. Meanwhile, Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four refuse to let Doom be and have decided that they must investigate Latveria more closely. However, when Reed's curiosity pulled his team too close to the magical dome, The Fantastic Four are instantly teleported to an unknown alien world on the other side of the galaxy.

This level of magical mastery is a brand new feat that even Doctor Strange hasn't pulled off before. Casually maintaining multiple magical barriers is old hat to the Sorcerer Supreme, but to instantly teleport people across the far reaches of the galaxy is a new level of magical mastery. Yes, it is a relatively common skill among powerful magic users to open portals​​​​to other locations and realms, but having an enchantment effortlessly built in to do so, especially one only designed as a casual security measure, is just A master stroke Doctor Doom is able to achieve.

Fantastic practice #25 (2024)

Fantastic Four #25 cover, The Four descend to an alien landscape.

  • writer: Ryan North

  • Artist: Carlos Gómez

  • Colorist: Jesus Aburtov

  • Writer: Joe Caramagna

  • Cover artist: Joshua Cassara & Dean White