DnD Player Joy as New DnD Funko Pops Have Been Revealed

DnD Player Joy as New DnD Funko Pops Have Been Revealed

New Funko Pops featuring Dungeons and Dragons The characters will hit stores in 2025. These new Funko Pops will feature the Gelatinous Cube characters with Dracolitch, Icingdeath, Lady of Pain, and Drizzt and Guenhwyvar and will hit stores on January 1, 2025.

While most of these pops cost $12, there is a set of two that goes up to $24. These figures are a welcome addition to any DND player collection and is certainly worth the wait, especially with so many other ways for fans to engage with the franchise.

Five new Dungeons And Dragons Funko Pops are here

These characters look amazing and are perfect additions to DND Players

Bahamut in dragon and human form from Dungeons and Dragons art

The first Funko Pops come in a set of two as Drizzt and Guenhwyar. The drow and the giant panther queen will be sold together, with Drizzt looking determined as he readies his bow and Guenhwyar looking regal, with black fur striped in contrasting blue. The Lady of Pain is introduced next; his expression is stoic, as befits his Lawful Neutral alignment, and his face is golden and paired with a vibrant red cloak.

Icingdeath, or Ingeloakastimizilian, looks incredibly majestic as the next Pop. The details on the dragon are stellar, with the coloring and sculpting making him look almost identical to the previous illustrations. Finally, we have Gelatinous Cube with Dracolitch. Unlike the Gelatinous Cube variations that came before it, Clara Lewis node GameSpot I noticed how this pop doesn't have a random human skeleton inside, but rather Dracolitch. This change really upgrades the Pop to the Jelly Cube and makes it worthwhile for collectors who may have previous designs. It will also be exclusive to GameStop.

Some Funko Pops are worth the wait

Waiting for Icingdeath is a lot easier with more ways to get involved with the franchise

Dungeons and Dragons characters side by side

While these Funko Pops won't be released for a while, there are countless other ways for fans to enjoy the franchise in the meantime. There was a recent release of new rules, which brought a whole new twist to the game, never seen before. These new rules fundamentally reshape the game and make it more accessible to new players, while also allowing older characters to be incorporated into the new world. This adds a lot of value to the new game, as it really brings together newcomers and long-time Dungeon Masters in a meaningful way.

There is also the possibility of a new live-action television show. Zahra Huselid laid out several ways a live-action show could work, including the high demand for related content DND. With almost half a century of life under its belt, DND has shown that it really isn't going anywhere and attracts a host of new players and enthusiasts every year. With so many ways to interact with the franchise and characters, it's no wonder it's one of the most beloved games in the world. Funko Pops are simply the icing on the cake.

Sources: Game point, Instagram