Disney's Dreamlight Valley end of summer event offers essential furniture for Buzz Lightyear fans

Disney's Dreamlight Valley end of summer event offers essential furniture for Buzz Lightyear fans

There was a lot of new content added Disney Dreamlight Valley This summer, thanks to the latest free update and Act 3 of the Rift in time Expansion pass. Tiana is officially able to join the ValleyAnd players have plenty of new outfits and quality-of-life upgrades to make their time in the game that much better.

The end of summer event, running from September 4 to September 26, brings some fun events and recipes to the game to pass the summer vibes before fall officially sets in. But it seems many players plan to use the new items to make an out-of-place home fit right in the Valley.

End of Summer event items can be used to decorate Buzz Lightyear's RV

Deamlight Valley players turned his RV into a campground

Vintage cooler, outdoor lounge chair and bonfire pit in Dreamlight Valley.
Custom image by Sarah Belcher

Reddit user Oscar's Kosi Corner shared a quick guide to highlight some of the new furniture and crafting items that are coming to the game during the end of summer event - and it seems that these items can be good for more than just a good summer camping trip. As user Kyjinxx pointed out in the comments on this post, these items are great for those looking to make Buzz Lightyear's trailer fit a little better.

"All of ​​the new furniture pieces will go perfectly with Buzz's trailer!" They exclaimed in the comments. others Dreamlight Valley Players chimed in, mentioning how they've been trying to turn the area around Toy Story Hero's home in a camping ground, surrounding him with other outdoor things. The outdoor lounge chair, bonfire pit and vintage cooler will fit in at any budding campground in the Valley.

How to get marshmallows in Disney's Dreamlight Valley

Blue and pink marshmallows are needed for crafting

S'mores and Roasted Marshmallows at Dreamlight Valley
Custom image by Sarah Belcher

According to the Reddit post, Players will need 130 of both blue and pink marshmallows to successfully craft each item and complete the necessary quests. Pink Marshmallows are found on the new bushes that spawn around the Plaza, providing four per harvest, while Blue Marshmallows are forged from the ground in the Plaza, Peaceful Meadow, Fazzle Beach, Forest of Valor, and the Glade of Trust.


Marshmallows are needed to make s'mores and roasted marshmallows, which are Ingredients needed in the recipes for the outdoor lounge chair, the bonfire pit and the vintage cooler. Five roasted marshmallows, 25 fabric and five iron ingots are needed for the outdoor lounge chair, while the vintage cooler needs 15 s'mores, five iron ingots and 100 snowballs. The heaviest crafting recipe is the Bonfire Pit, which requires 15 roasted marshmallows (requiring 30 blue and 30 pink marshmallows) along with 50 hardwood, 50 stone, and 10 coal ore.

How to get the birding binoculars and the hiking backpack

Complete two village duties for these items

Birding peak and hiking backpack in Dreamlight Valley
Custom image by Sarah Belcher

The birding tip, which adds binoculars to a player's outfit, is Only obtained by completing the share some sweet village duty, which requires the player to give 25 roasted marshmallows to various villagers. The player can give the same villager the number 25 separate times if they wish, as repeat recipients still count towards the total goal.

The duty of savoring some sweet village will be completed for those who want the hiking backpack. This requires the player to eat 25 S'mores, meaning They need a total of 25 pink marshmallows, 25 blue marshmallows and 50 whea.T to craft enough of the sweet treat.

All of these items will look great around Buzz's RV and help Disney Dreamlight Valley Players create their outdoor areas with more camping-specific items. While many players have found workarounds to Buzz's somewhat unappealing home exterior, this will make it much easier for players looking for the finishing touches.

Source: OscarsCosyCorner / Reddit