Discovery Finale Scene made Burnham's ship infinitely cooler

Discovery Finale Scene made Burnham's ship infinitely cooler

The USS Discovery's saucer separation in Star Trek: Discovery's series finale made Captain Michael Burnham's (Sonequa Martin-Green) starship even cooler. I was an early adopter of Star Trek: Discovery, And one reason is that I was dazzled by the show's production values, especially the stunning USS Discovery itself. Star Trek: Discoverys eponymous Crossfield class starship is a sleek and roomy science vessel that also houses the show's greatest (and most controversial) innovation: the displacement-activated spore hub drive.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 was a sequel to the Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode, "The Chase." Discovery Followed on TNGs discovery that a race dubbed the Progenitors seeded the galaxy with humanoid life. Captain Burnham and the USS Discovery's interstellar hunt for the clues to the Progenitors' treasure took Michael into an interdimensional space where the ancient technology was hidden. Meanwhile, the USS Discovery led by Commander Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) was outmatched by a Breen dreadnought, with even more Breen on the way. But Discovery beat the brin through Take a page from Star Trek: The Next Generations playbook.

USS Discovery's saucer separation made Captain Burnham's ship even cooler

One last TNG tribute by Discovery season 5

I loved that the USS Discovery had a saucer separation in it Star Trek: Discovery Season 5's finale. It was a perfectly respectful, final ode to Star Trek: The Next Generationwhich introduced the USS Enterprise-D's ability to split its saucer and stardrive sections. Even better, the disco's saucer separation was the key to overcoming the power of the brine. With the Brynn dreadnought caught between Discovery's saucer and stardrive sections, Commander Rayner ordering a Spore Drive jump instantly sent the Brynn to the galactic barrier. It was as if Star Trek: Discovery And Star Trek: The Next Generation TogetherAnd I adore that symbolism.


The separation of the USS Discovery's saucer was a fantastic surprise because it had never before been established that Discovery could be split in two. Even better was that Discovery's saucer separation was used tactically to achieve victory. On Star Trek: The next generationThe separation of the USS Enterprise-D is usually a defensive or emergency measure to protect the population in the saucer section. But Discovery used saucer separation for offense. It is the coolest saucer separation in Star TrekAnd only the USS Discovery could have done it.

Why didn't USS Discovery do a saucer separation earlier?

There is no need to separate Discovery's saucer

It is possible that the USS Discovery was not originally designed to separate its saucer from its stardrive section. Although the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Original Series was able to accomplish a saucer separation, it never happened due to budget issues, the limited special effects of the 1960s, and lack of story purpose. If Captain James T. Kirk's (William Shatner) Enterprise could have separated its saucer, Maybe the USS Discovery could have too. But it is not necessary in Star Trek: DiscoveryThe first two seasons for Disco to set his plate apart.

It is difficult to see how a saucer separation would have benefited the USS Discovery in Star Trek: Discovery Season 1's Klingon War or the multi-ship battle against Control that ended Star Trek: Discovery Season 2. It is too Perhaps the saucer separation is a new feature That came with the USS Discovery's refit with 32nd-century programmable matter technology in it Star Trek: Discovery Season 3. Between saucer separation and its spur ride, there isn't another ship in Star Trek that boasts the level of cool factor as Captain Michael Burnham's USS Discovery.