The following contains spoilers for Transformers One, currently playing in theaters
Transformers one Brings the original premise to the big screen and plays with the story in interesting ways. The animated prequel to the larger Transformers franchise, Transformers one Focuses on the story of Orion Pax and D-16, best friends and minors before they became Optimus Prime and Megatron. The film focuses on their evolution from regular citizens of Cybertron to leaders of two warring factions, as well as the growth of Bumblebee and Elita-1 into heroes in their own right. Along the way, the film introduces many deep-cut robots that fit easily in between Transformers ones cast of letters.
Some of the most important to the film's overarching plot are the Prime, a group of ancient heroes who are considered the greatest defenders of their world. The primes have a lot of connections to the lore of Transformers In several different iterations, with their fate different between versions. This is no different Transformers oneIt's ending, which plays with expectations in interesting ways. It even changes the identity of the traitor who doomed them, playing into the film's big villain twist. Here it is like Transformers ones version of the original Prime compares to previous iterations.
The original Prime in Canon Transformers explained
The older Primes have been important in many different continuities
The Primes are the highest ranking members of Cybertronian societyWhich is reflected in Transformers One's reinvention of the concept. In almost all versions of TransformersSome characters eventually earn the title of "Prime" as an indicator of their skill level, importance and strength. In many iterations of Transformers, the Elder Primes are the thirteen first Cybertronians created by the pious figure Primus, who serve as forerunners of the entire robot race. Transformers one It reflects this by introducing the Thirteen as legendary heroes of Cybertron, created by Primus long before any other Cybertronians and tasked with guarding the Matrix of Leadership.
Age prime in Transformers one |
Alpha Trion |
Megatronus Prime |
Micronut |
Zeta Prime |
Prima Prime |
Vector prime |
Onyx Prime |
Quintus Prime |
League Maximo |
Solus Prime |
Nexus Prime |
Alchemist Prime |
Amalgams Prime |
The Primes are treated as heroes in Transformers one By the overall population of Cybertron, which mysteriously disappeared fifty cycles before the events of the film after falling in battle. They were the primary fighting force holding back the ambitions of the Transformers Villains known as the Quintesons, until they are lured into a trap and killed by them and Sentinel. Transformers one Not all of them a showcase, but reinforce their importance. The film reveals that they all exist as one with Primus, briefly bringing Orion Pax to Prime's realm while upgrading him to Optimus Prime.
Transformers One's 13 Age Primes: All Known Members
The thirteen senior premiums, explained
The age prime in Transformers one Play a minor but important role in the film, because their disappearance (along with the matrix of leadership held by Zeta) has led to the lack of natural flowing energon on Cybertron. In the narrative of the film, only a handful play really important roles. According to the events of the film, Only Alpha Trion is still alive. The others, including Zeta Prime, Megatronus, Prima, Onyx, Alchemist, and the rest are long dead. Several moments in the film showcase all thirteen Elder Primes, with eagle-eyed fans identifying them all by their appearance and color scheme.
The thirteen Primes that appear in the film consist of Alpha Trion, Megatronus Prime, Micronus, Zeta Prime, Prima Prime, Vector Prime, Onyx Prime, Quintus Prime, Liege Maximo, Solus Prime, Amalgamous Prime, Nexus Prime and Alchemist Prime. Notably, Zeta is not always considered a prime in other versions of Transformers Study. The identity of the 13th Prime is a long-standing mystery in other versions of the canonWith several continuities revealing Optimus is actually the mysterious 13th Prime reborn as Orion Pax. However, the story of Transformers one Made that largely impossible, so Zeta was upgraded to Prime status in his absence.
Sentinel Prime is not one of the older Primes from Transformers one
How Sentinel stole his title as a prime
In some continuities, Sentinel Prime is one of the true heirs to Prime's role as leader of the Cybertronians, taking on a leadership role. Even in his role as the villain of Transformers: Dark of the MoonSentinel's darker actions are done in the name of advancing Cyberton. This is a far cry from the Sentinel Prime that appeared in Transformers onewho turns out to be the central antagonist of the film. In this universe, Sentinel spent fifty cycles convincing the citizens of Yakon City that his fellow Prime died to keep the Matrix of Leadership away from the Quintessons.
however, Sentinel was never a prime. He was indeed their long-suffering helper, who became involved in service. This caused Sentinel to betray their trust and lure the Primes into a trap. Although the Quintessons were initially held back by the Primes, Sentinel was able to use the chaos to dispatch each of them. The flashback reveals the truth highlights how the new version of Sentinel is a genuine villain, even when compared to the ruthless anger of embittered Transformers like Megatron and Starscream. Alpha Trion confirms this too Transformers ones main heroes, confirm the rest of the plot.
The age prime of Transformers One compared to Michael Bay's movies
The dynasty of Prime is different from Transformers ones version of the prime
The approach to the prime in the live action Michael Bay Transformers Cinema was different than in Transformers onewho treated "Prime" as a title that Primus. In contrast, the dynasty of primes is actually implied to be more hereditary based. In this version of Transformers Learning, they were the first of their race but gave their lives to stop the Fallen - the continuity version of Megatronus Prime - from claiming the Allspark. In this setting, Optimus was part of the group of ancient primes, And was actually the last of their family line, making him capable of slaying the fallen.
The betrayal of a "prime" being the catalyst for the deaths of the others is a shared element between the different life-struggle Transformers And Transformers oneHowever The actual betrayal is very different. Transformers one Actually subverted expectations by having Megatronus Prime die a hero instead of being corrupted into the Fallen. It also further explored what it means to be a Prime highlighting the honorable actions needed to prove self-worth as a Prime. Transformers one Made some big tweaks to the lore around the prime, but they fit the story of the new animated film very well.