How far it was Ben Solo In his training with Luke Skywalker when he fell to the dark side and became kilo rn in Star Wars? Ben Solo's turn is one of the most pivotal moments in the Skywalker saga. As shown in Star Wars: The Last JediWhen Luke sensed darkness in his nephew and briefly believed he needed to smell it before it could affect the galaxy, Ben felt betrayed, and Luke's new Jedi Academy burned in the aftermath. Lux's short period of weakness was understandable - he wanted to prevent his nephew from falling the way his father had.
There was more to it, though. As revealed by Charles Soule and Will Sliney's Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo RenBen Solo has been influenced by Palpatine/Snoke since he was a young boy, their whispers telling him that his family would never really be able to understand him. The manipulation has been going on for years, and while Ben Solo's actions as Kylo Ren are unforgivable, it's hard to deny that he was destined to fail from a young age - the pressure of his family's legacy, both light and dark, as Also Palpatine's. Interference, changed him.
How old was Ben Solo when he became Kylo Ren?
So, how old was Ben Solo when he changed and became Kylo Ren? Ben was born in 5ABY (five years after the Battle of Yavin, when the first Death Star was destroyed). This was a year after the Battle of Endor Return of the Jedi. Although Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren Never confirmed when the story took place, the exact year was later revealed in the reference book Star Wars: Timelines By Kristin Baver, Jason Fry, Cole Horton, Amy Richau and Clayton Sandell.
In 28ABY, Leia Organa's identity as Darth Vader's biological daughter is revealed publicly by her opponents in the New Republic Senate, ruining her political career and her relationship with her son. This revelation made it even easier for Palpatine to nurture Ben's doubts about his family. That same year, Luke "confronted" Ben. Believing his uncle was out to kill him, Ben fell to the dark side and right into Snoke's, and by extension, Palpatine's, waiting arms. When Ben Solo was born in 5ABY, the young Jedi was approximately 23 years old when he became Kylo Ren.
Did Luke draw his lightsaber on his Padawan... or another Jedi Knight?
Unlike the Jedi younglings recruited by the Jedi Order before the Empire rose to power, Ben Solo did not begin training with Luke until he was approximately 10 years old in 15ABY. In 28ABY, he was training with Luke for a total of 13 years. At that time, Ben was still a student, he was not yet a Jedi Knight. This was clear in both The rise of Kylo Ren And Skywalker: A Family at War by Kristin Braver.
Luke was still his Jedi Master. He was his teacher, his uncle, someone who was supposed to protect him, which was not the case. Even if Luke never really intended to hurt Ben, Ben's pain and anger are really understandable.
Since Ben was still technically a Padawan when Luke went to check on him that fateful night, it makes sense that Ben would feel even more betrayed. Luke was his Jedi Master. He was his teacher, his uncle, someone who was supposed to protect him, which was not the case. Even if Luke never really intended to hurt Ben, Ben's pain and anger are really understandable. That pain does not excuse the choices Ben Solo Made once he became kilo rnBut it does give a little insight into who he was before the darkness overwhelmed him.