Diana Taverner's MI5 Cover-Up & 6 Other Reveals

Diana Taverner's MI5 Cover-Up & 6 Other Reveals

Slow Horses The second episode of season 4 begins right where the premiere episode left off - but first, it backs up a bit to provide clarity about what really happened to River Cartwright (Jack Lowden). An adaptation by Mick Herron Spook StreetThe fourth Game Slow House novel, Slow Horses Season 4's story puts River and his grandfather, retired MI6 operative David Cartwright (Jonathan Pryce), in the middle of the action. In the first episode of the fourth outing, River is considering moving his grandfather, who raised him as a son, into an elderly care facility.So that he is supported as his dementia version.

Slow Horses Season 4, Episode 1, "Identity Theft," complicates personal matters when a paranoid dude kills a man. The insider, who David fears is trying to imagine River, may also have a connection to a recent car bombing. In a London shopping center. Emma Fleet (Ruth Bradley), the new head of the Dogs, calls Jackson Lamb (Gary Oldman) to the scene to identify River's disfigured body. With Lamb's confirmation of River's identity, Fleet is tasked with tracking down David, who is MIA. Lamb, meanwhile, follows his gut to the Standish (Saskia Reeves) house, correctly guessing that both Cartwright men are alive.


Slow Horses Season 4, Episode 2 explains River's plan

River arrives at David Cartwright's house just after the murder

After chatting with Louisa Guy (Rosalind Elazar) over a few beers in the first episode of the season, River gathers his courage and pays his grandfather a visit. When River arrives, he finds David standing in the bathroom, shotgun raised. However, the added expression on David's face is not the most concerning matter - it is the dead body in the bathtub and the blood splatter on the wall. River gets his grandfather to drop his weapon after The MI5 vet confirms his grandson's identity by asking him something only River would know. While comforting David, River investigates his body.

... River wants to help his grandfather, especially because his unfortunate memory makes him a liability.

River goes through his grandfather a debrief - something David taught him to do - so that they can get their facts straight before calling the incident. Although he's not the most reliable narrator, David Cartwright gives a pretty accurate, if understandably frazzled, recap of the intruder's time in his home. After finding diazepam in the intruder's pockets, River concludes that he was sent to kill David. However, the body contains other key information as well. for starters, River finds an ID that reads "Adam Lockhead"And a return ticket to Lavande, France.

As River and David argue about what to do next, The elder Cartwright grabs his panic button and, against Rivers' will, presses it. "Now we are on the clock," says River in frustration. In one of the more emotional moments of the episode, the Cartwrights' brief argument leads David to call River his son. Despite any momentary frustration, River wants to help his grandfather, especially since his uneven memory makes him a Liability After blasting the victim's face with his grandfather's shotgun and planting his own ID on the body, River takes David to another one of slow horse Typeface: Standish.


Jackson Lamb questions David Cartwright

The head of Slow House tries to gain more insight before leaving David with Standish

At the end of the first episode of the season, Jackson Lamb confirmed that River is alive after paying Catherine Standish a visit. Although Standish is no longer a member of Slow House in the wake of Slow Horses Season 3's finaleShe can't give up the game. Not only is she looking into the shopping center incident, but she's keeping David Cartwright hidden while River is away. In his typical abrasive fashion, Lamb questions both Standish and David. "He may be your grandson, but he's my Joe,"Lam told DavidHoping the MI5 vet will scour his memory for useful clues.


Lam goes on to explain that River shot the face off his look to buy himself some time. Gary Oldman's character correctly guesses that River is pretending to be dead so he can follow up on his lead with MI6's involvement. While Standish and David are able to provide Lamb with some crucial information about River's whereabouts, Lamb doesn't know much about Lavender, France or how, exactly, River's self-assigned mission might relate to the violent incident at the shopping center. . Before he leaves in a hurry, Lamb tells Standish to contact him if Cartwright remembers anything relevant.


Gitty reveals to Taverner that MI6 issued Robert Winters' passport

Taverner sends Gitty somewhere safe

Meanwhile, at MI5, Diana Taverner (Kristin Scott Thomas) prepares for yet another meeting that her superior, Claude Whelan (James Callis), should probably take the lead. Although Slow Horses The premiere episode of season 4 reveals that Whelan got the "front desk" job over Taverner. even so, The somewhat inept Whelan seems like the Director General of MI5 in name only. When it comes to the bombing of the West Acres shopping center and the subsequent investigation into Robert Winters, Taverner calls the shots without consulting (or even briefing) Whelan. In the second episode, Taverner exerts even more control over the activities of MI5.


Before Taverner leaves her office, she is approached by agent Gitti Rahman (Kiran Sonia Savar), who reveals some interesting information about Robert Winters' passport. Winters, Gitti explains, has all the hallmarks of a real person, from a date of birth to a credit history, but his passport is strange. apparently, The document was published by MI5 several decades earlier. Taverner hides her reaction to the information well. After telling Gitty to continue reporting to her directly (and cutting Whelan off entirely), Taverner calls Fleet to isolate Gitty in a safe house so she can delve into the Robert Winters mystery.


Jackson Lamb enlists Moira Tregorian's help and informs Slow House of River's plan

Slough House is as dysfunctional as ever in Slough Horses Season 4 Episode 2

When Lamb finally shows up at Slough House, the team is as dysfunctional and misinformed as ever. When Roddy Ho (Christopher Chung) proceeds to dismantle River's computer, Lamb calls him out for not reading his text properly. While Lamb went to "Identify" River's body, he never said the younger Cartwright is dead. When Lamb jokes that the Mia River is not dead. yetLuisa expresses her frustration with the situation; Like Lamb, Agent Guy wants to help River. Jackson Lamb insists that Slough House's emotional - and visible - reaction to River's supposed death is a good thing.

"Don't blow a Joe's cover," Lamb tells his team. This puts the agents of Slow House in a tricky position when it comes to helping River from afar without getting suspicion from the rest of MI5. Still, Lamb shares that River is in France. Besides the River drama, Marcus Longridge (Kadiff Kirwan) and Shirley Dander (Aimee-Ffion Edwards) get into a heated argument when Marcus reveals that he is gambling again. Lamb brokers a deal with Moira Tregorian (Joanna Scanlan), Standish's Slough House replacement; Lam knows she will do his bidding to claw her way out of Slow House.


Diana Taverner plots a cover-up of Robert Winters' cold body

Taverner also blackmails Whelan into cooperating

Taverner calls Fleet and Gitty into the safe house and reveals to the latter that what she discovered earlier was all a big misunderstanding. Gitty seems surprised to hear this, but the young, bright-eyed agent also wants to impress Taverner, so she goes with the flow. Taverner explained that there was a mix-up with the name on the passport - Robert Winters vs. Robert Winter. However, as she explained all this, Taverner walks down a long hallway to a paper shredder of sorts and disposes of information about Robert Winters' identity.Erase his connection to MI5.

Taverner explains that Robert Winters is a "cold body" in the Cold War - one of many ready-made identities that MI5 would create for operatives.

Later, Taverner meets Whelan at a bus stop. The first desk of MI5 is incredibly jittery, revealing that he has never worked in this field before. The duo board the next bus to have a private conversation; Being in public, oddly enough, affords them some seclusion. Taverner explains that Robert Winters is a Cold War era "Cold body- one of many ready-made identities that MI5 would create for operators. When Whelan calls out Taverner's cover-up scheme, she reveals that he unknowingly signed some paperwork related to the sequestering of Getty.. In short, Taverner blackmails Whelan into cooperating with her.


Another killer stops by the Cartwright home to plant a camera

The assassin tells his boss that River and David are both MIA

Back at the Cartwright homestead, an officer stands guard. Presumably, there is some hope that David Cartwright will return to his house again, allowing MI5 to investigate what really happened the night River's cook was killed. A man pulls up to the house, asks for directions. Although it is clearly a story, The officer falls for the charade and gives the stranger some crucial information about the Cartwright men. Not only does the officer share that a younger man - supposedly River - was killed in the house, but that the owner of the house, David, is still missing.


On his way back to his car, the mysterious man stops at the stone wall lining David's property, props his foot up, and pretends to tie his shoe. actually, He plants a camera feed between the stones to keep an eye on the propertyAnd, by extension, no remaining Cartwrights. Once he's back in his car, the would-be killer calls his boss, Frank (Hugo Weaving). The two men wonder if their colleague, Bertrand, has been killed or if River has really been taken away. Before the call ends, Weaving's character tells the killer to go after another MI5 agent.


River discovers a strange compound in France

Hugo Weaving's Frank Harkness attacks River, who is later abducted by another alien

When River arrives in Lavender, he discovers that the small town is unusually empty. Using his broken French, the Slow House agent asks around Adam Lockhead - his appearance. A cafe owner points the river in the direction of a strange palatial house near the forest. Although it is supposedly abandoned, Lockhead may have some connection to the property. As River leaves the cafe, Slow Horses Poses on a mysterious character who is clearly Tailing River, although the man's allegations and motives are still unclear. Climb soldiers, climb walls, push through overgrown hedges and break glass to enter a compound.

The strange objects point to the fact that something deeply evil occurred in the compound.

In an unsettling twist, the viewer knows that Hugo Weaving's character is waiting for River as the determined Slow House agent investigates the massive home. Inside, River finds books about war, abandoned weapons, and children's prams and toys. The strange objects point to the fact that something deeply evil occurred in the compound. River finds a photograph of Weaving's Frank and some other people on a hunting trip. Soon enough, River is attacked by Weaving's character. Although he was saved by the man who was tailing him, River was abducted at the end of the Slow Horses episode.