Diablo 4 players are clamoring for a much better fix than a Spiritborn Nef

Diablo 4 players are clamoring for a much better fix than a Spiritborn Nef

Blizzard seems to be listening to player feedback more and more, but this time, fans are asking that they don’t do what some fans are asking for the new Spriteborn class. Diablo 4 Be nervous. While the Spiritborn class is now one of the fan favorites, it may have a major balance issue. Blizzard usually fixes these types of issues with a much-needed nerf, but fans are asking for a different course of action.

In a recent Reddit post from Naturally firstThe poster provides a different solution for blizzard, stating, “Instead, if your class is lagging behind, call for buffs to your own class/build so that it can be bought up to the same standards as Spiritborn.” Rather than fans asking for the newest addition to the class roster to be taken down a notch, they think so The better option is to make other classes more powerful.

Why this makes more sense than a spiritborn nef

Making classes less powerful may not be the answer

Diablo 4 Ship of Hate. Four mercenaries and the new class, Spiritborn, on a backdrop of the Citadel.
Custom image by Archie Stevens

Normally, fans of Diablo 4 They are more than willing to accept nerfs as a way of fixing balance issues, but this actually makes a lot more sense. Looking through the eyes of players who run a different class than the Spiritborn, it would be more logical to make more of an overall balance than continue to take away from other classes with a noticeable advantage. As usual first appears, Nerfing a class instead of boosting others makes time gearing up and getting stronger feel wasted.


The idea of Simply taking away from hard-working players who are doing their best to become as strong as they are seems unfairAccording to the Reddit thread, and several fans of the title chimed in to give their names. one comment, MadnessBrings up an even bigger point that nerfing is not the issue, as they say,

“Yep it needs to be brought down. Unfortunately Blizz translated brought down as completely gutted and buried it for 6 months or more. I wish they could learn the technique of bringing something overpowered down gently.”

This also makes sense, as many other commenters agree with Madness 3ity, mentioning that rather than lowering the power level just enough, they overshoot it and end up making the class a whole lot less fun.

Our Take: Does Diablo 4 Need Balance Tweaks?

There are some things that could be more balanced

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Spiritborn eagle the ultimate skill in action

There are some amazing and fun pictures for all the classes Diablo 4And while some feel a little more powerful than others, that doesn’t mean they need to be completely shot down. Alone Alone Alone A big fan of this title, I believe that rather than bringing other classes down a peg, Blizzard could raise a bit. Since there will always be classes that feel stronger than others due to differences in build and gear, ranking one down to bring others up seems a bit backwards.


Although there are balance issues, this is nothing new for RPG fans either Diablo 4 Players. Hopefully, if Blizzard does decide to do something about these issues, they take their time and do it right as some fans have requested.

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