Diablo 4 - How to Target Farm Unique Items (Season 6)

Diablo 4 - How to Target Farm Unique Items (Season 6)

Before the Vessel of Hatred DLC launched in Diablo 4There was only one reliable way to target farm for specific unique items. Each tormented boss has a chance to drop unique items from their respective loot table. However, it can take quite a while for the average player to get enough boss-summoning materials to farm the bosses efficiently.

luckily, Diablo 4 Season 6 has a much-needed solution in the form of the Purveyor of Curiosities. Since the game's launch, this Salesman was around But has slowly been powered by other ways to farm loot in newer activities, such as Infernal Hordes in Diablo 4. Not to mention, this vendor's drop rates for legendary items last season were abysmally low.

Use the purveyor of curiosities

A once outcast salesman makes a resurgence

Purveyor of Curiosities Diablo 4

Before Season 6, it was common for the Purveyor of Curiosities to give out nothing but Magic and Rare gear, which was all but useless in the end game. Now, however, the vendor drops legendary items at a much higher rate than before, Along with the opportunity to drop unique items too. This makes farming possible for specific unique items from the Purveyor of Curiosities.

Purveyor of Curiosities (Spiritborn)

Just received

Obols cost





















Players can target farms for specific unique items for their build by spending their Obols on the corresponding gear piece. For example, there are only two unique Spiritborn Quarterstaffs, The route of Kepeleke and Sepazontec. This means that the player has a 50% chance of getting what they want by spending their obols on quarterstaffs. Both unique quarterstaffs for the Spiritborn are used in the top endgame builds, so keep that in mind.

Kepeleke's rod is used in the current best build in Diablo 4The Quill Valley Spiritborn.

Although this method can be lucrative, it is required to maintain an adequate supply of obols. These can be farmed into activities that players will do anyway, such as The Artificer's Pit and Nightmare Dungeons. These activities will also help players reach maximum level as quickly as possible.

How to farm Obols quickly

Pit Runs and Nightmare Dungeons

In order to collect enough Obols to make this farming method worthwhile, I recommend grinding Diablo 4's Artificer's Pit as much as possible. They are much faster than nightmare dungeons and are The new location for leveling glyphswhich are completely overworked. The Artificer's Pit will also drop legendary items, which are much more scarce this season than last season, as seen in Raggaming videoss video.

It is important to note that while this method is quite suitable for acquiring specific unique items during the midgame, it is not nearly as effective as farming tormented bosses, which have a chance to drop ancestral unique items.

Stygian stones have been removed from the gameWhich makes tormented bosses much more accessible to farm. With the rework to gear this season, all ancestral items now drop with larger affixes, so farming tormented bosses is still the most trustworthy end game loot source in Diablo 4.

Video Credit: Raggaming Videos/YouTube