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Every season of Future 2 is unique, and RevenantThe new potion crafting mechanic really brings something special to this season's loot hunt and sandbox. Along with allowing you to focus seasonal weapons and armor, giving you a higher chance of getting the rewards you're chasing, you can also use potions and tonics to command your abilities in several ways. Before you can start crafting, you need to play the intro mission to the season, which should appear right after the character-select screen.
There are two types of tonics you can make: Enriching Tonics and Volatile Tonics. As mentioned in the Revenant Roadmap stream in early October, the tonics do slightly different things depending on which recipe you choose. Volatile tonics empower your battle prowess, while enriching tonics increase your rewards. Thankfully, crafting these tonics is quite simple.
How to make potions
Help Eidu, and she will help you
You'll get a pretty thorough tutorial when Eido teaches you how to make tonics in her lab, so stick with that after selecting a recipe and you should be fine. If you forget, the search UI will appear every time you select a tonic recipe, showing you every step in the brewing process if you forget. What's more complicated than brewing tonics is learning new recipes.
Thanks to a handy popup you only get to see once, you'll find that the only way to learn new tonic recipes is to make a bunch of "related tonics." This means that you will have to make a tonic several times to unlock a more powerful version of it. I ended up unlocking the powerful Stasis Crystallization tonic after crafting the diluted version four times, and that number likely increases when unlocking the higher-level tonics.
How to farm material for potions
Onslaught: Salvation is good, but the mission farm works best
Unlike the complicated and annoying process of collecting cookie materials for the downing, getting reagents for your tonics is relatively simple. All you need to do is defeat enemies throughout the system. This can be in any playlist activity, story mission, or even in patrol, so no matter what you do, you'll get some reagents for crafting.
If the passive reagent gain you get for playing the game isn't enough, you can run the seasonal activity, Onslaught: Salvation. This is a new and improved version of Onslot, and Rewards you with extra reagents for every 10 waves you complete. It's also a good way to clear loot, which you can use your Enriching Tonics to improve.
If you get bored of Onslaught and just want to grind as many Reagents as you can, complete Eido's first major Fieldwork, which gives you a chance to get Reagents when you get Reclaimed Vitality. Then, load into this week's highlighted campaign mission, "In the deep." Run the mission until you collect the cryptograph, then jump off the edge to wipe.
You will reload in the same arena, where you should Kill the Acolyte Hive and then farm the infinite number of Thrall that spawn. In his video on YouTube, Esoteric Used this method and farmed over 50 reclaimed vitality per minute. You should end up with a lot of materials, allowing you to make as many tonics as you want.
Best high-tier potions
These will depend on your build and loot goals
There are 26 legendary tonics in it D2 This season, and their effects are different depending on whether they are enriching or volatile. The Volatile Legendary Tonics provide the best version of their original perk and boost a different artifact perk, making them all pretty useful. The enriching legendary tonics allow you to more precisely focus which armor pieces or weapons will drop, similar to Onslaught focusing on Lord Shaxx a few seasons ago.
In general, it's a good idea to match your active volatile tonic to the focus of your build. Say you're running a build that relies on generating stasis crystals; You'll want to have a Refined Tonic of Stasis Crystallization active when you need an extra boost.
tonic |
Effect |
Artifact mod boost |
Refined Tonic of Stasis Crystallization |
Shattering a stasis crystal gives you a small amount of class ability energy. |
Crystalline converter, hail the storm |
Not only will this last longer than its less-rare counterparts, but it also gives a boost to two artifact perks rather than just one. This goes for all the refined tonics, so pay attention to your build when choosing which tonic to activate.
However, there are also exotic tonics that drop randomly. These tonics have no prescription, and as of the time of writing, there is no way to guarantee that you will receive one. Exotic Tonics give you the chance to get an Ascendant Alloy, an Ascendant Shard, or an Exotic Cipher, all of which are exotic-rarity materials that allow you to upgrade armor you already have or get a new exotic from Rahool.
How to get new reagents
Complete fieldwork tasks and seasonal triumphs
You will only be able to get common and rare reagents to start with, so to get more you need to complete fieldwork tasks for Eido. You can choose Major Fieldwork only after you have picked up and completed so many Minor Fieldwork tasks, Which only unlock after you have a certain number of potion recipes. This is a bit restrictive, so you'll have to keep brewing potions as you play to keep unlocking tasks.
The best main fieldwork to start with is Blood Drive, which is the one mentioned above that awards Reagents when you collect Reclaimed Vitality. The fieldwork that allows you to collect rare reagents is Bounty Harvester, which gives a chance to get reagents when you turn in completed daily bounties, with a chance to higher rarity reagents. This is the only way to get the rarer materials so far Future 2So unlock it quickly by completing as many minor fieldwork tasks as possible.
Source: Esoteric / Youtube
- Franchise
- Released
August 28, 2017
T for Teen for blood, language and violence