If you missed the Guardian Games skimmer, you'll be thrilled to hear about the Xûrfboard skimmer that was just introduced in Future 2season 25, Revenant. The first skimmer was only earned during the Guardians Games event in March of this year, and many players missed their chance to earn this limited vehicle. Now, even players who don't feel like cash for silver can ride the space waves on the game's brand new skimmer, the Xûrfboard.
Skimmers are a new type of vehicle that take up the same loading slot as your Sparrow; They provide limited gameplay improvements, but essentially allow Guardians to quickly traverse their environments without the need for smash skating or robust skating techniques. While there's nothing wrong with Sparrows, Skimmers provide a fresh take on the traditional Destiny format for vehicles. Players itching for something new can get the Xûrfboard now, as soon as its mysterious vendor makes his appearance.
How to get the Xûrfboard
You will need to wait until Xûr comes to the tower
As the name suggests, the new skimmer is distributed by our lovely curio dealer and servant of the nine, Xûr. He will arrive at his location in the Tower at 12:00 PM EST on Friday each week, and then leave at 12:00 PM EST at reset on the following Tuesday. Xûr's arrival this week, at the time of writing, coincides with the release of one of the first of many activity updates we've seen since The final forms release; The new dungeon, Vesper's Host.
All you need to do to catch this new skimmer is to talk to Xûr after his arrival at the Tower during the two weeks of the season. To give you time to save some odd coins, Xûr will not offer the Xûrfboard until 12 PM EST on Friday, October 18th. You will need 97 odd coins to buy the Xûrfboard, Which is quite a bit, since you only get four or five of typical completion of playlist activities. Although the cost for the skimmer is a bit high, there are many ways you can earn strange coins while enjoying Future 2s new seasonal content.
Best way to farm strange coins
You have a few options, but for farming, speed is key
There are many ways to get odd coins, with the most coins being awarded from Gambit and Crucible wins. Unfortunately, you can't guarantee a win in PvP, so grinding them quickly doesn't really work. Luckily, Strikes awards odd coins whether you're in a playlist or not, so you can pick and choose what to run.
I found this The best streak to run on repeat is the Devil's Lair, which can be pared down to a quick seven minutes or so. And will award you the same number of strange coins for your efforts. CrowOn YouTube, you can run it at the world record pace of 3:45, but you don't have to do it quite that fast for it to be an efficient farm.
If you get tired of running the streak on repeat, you can jump in some others to shake it up. When it comes down to it, the true cost of farming is your attention span, so don't burn yourself out. The Strange Coins Farm isn't as simple as the Silver Leaves Farm you may have used during the Solstice event, but it shouldn't take too long to earn enough to get your new skimmer.
The Xûrfboard will be around for the foreseeable future of Future 2, So if you don't catch it during week two, no sweat; Xûr will be back with more curios and quests in the coming weeks.
Source: Crow/YouTube
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