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For many seasons of Future 2Players can expect to grind solo legendary Lost Sectors in order to earn the new seasonal exotic armors for each class, but with The final forms release, that all changed. Instead of painting repetitive activities, The new exotics have been moved to a new location, causing a bit of confusion for players who haven't read the patch notes. It didn't help that no in-game announcement was made about this change, so Guardians found themselves exotic-less, even after many Lost Sector runs.
As with every new season, There are three new exotics to collect if you play all three classes. If not, you will have an easier time, but for guardians who like to make the most of their time in d2, You've got your work cut out for you. Fortunately, this is more of a time than anything, so it shouldn't be too complicated.
How to get every new exotic in Destiny 2: Revenant
Increase and reset Rahul's reputation rating to unlock more focusing
If you played The final form And unlock any of his new exotic armors, you'll know the drill. You need to increase Rahul's reputation rating to at least 16 and then reset it, Which unlocks a new focusing screen that will allow you to buy new exotics that you don't already have unlocked. The new armor pieces will cost you a pretty penny, especially in the Ascendant Shard section.
One way to grab more Ascendant Shards is by continuing to reset your reputation ranks with various vendors throughout the season. Although this won't come until later in the season, you should advance at least the season vendor, Eido, a few times as you play. Another way to mine the rare materials is to play Master Difficulty or higher Nightfall Strikes, which will award a few based on which difficulty you select.
Best subclass for every exotic and best build
This is a stasis-focused season, so be ready for stasis exotics
There are three exotics for you to catch this season; Blastwave Striders for Titans, Rime-Coat Cloak for Warlocks, and Mask of Featly for Hunters. Azteccross Explains them all pretty quickly on YouTube, but follow along with some possible builds you can run once you get them unlocked. This season is just one of many content updates D2 The team has plans for this year and is hopefully an indication of more good things to come. The new exotics are stasis exotics, as the seasonal artifact mods are largely focused on stasis, so get ready for a stasis or prismatic build for each.
Rime-Coat Clothing Warlock Build
The Rime-Coat Raiment Armor is a piece of chest armor that focuses on the Warlock Bleak Watcher Stasis aspect, allowing you to use your grenade to create a stasis turret at your position. their livelihood, Bleak Domain, empowers the Bleak Watcher turret to create stasis crystals and a storm around him. While standing in the storm, you gain icicle stacks, which cause your weapon damage to slow enemies. I recommend a turret-focused build, using stasis rather than prismatic, as the stasis subclass fragments get more benefits from stasis crystals.
Aspects |
abilities |
fragments |
Recommended armor mods |
Blake Watcher |
Healing Rift |
Whisper of Shards |
Bolstering detonation |
Glacial Harvest |
No joy |
whispers of rhyme |
Impact induction |
Penumbral blast |
Whisper of chains |
Bomber x2 |
Whispers of torment or chill |
Is the most essential aspect to the build, because it is necessary for the exotic to function. The second aspect, Glacial Harvest
Allows you to benefit from Frost Armor, which gives you stacking damage resistance every time you pick up a Stasis Shard. The fragments you will use focus on generating grenade energy and stasis shards, and keep both your Bleak Watcher and Frost Armor activated.
The same goes with your armor mods; Bolstering Detonation and Bomber work together to keep your Rift and Grenade up as much as possible, as long as you deal damage.
Mask of Fealty Hunter build
This Hunter build will be a prismatic one, leaving you with a lot of options for what you prefer to play. The main thing you will need to have equipped is Withering blade
On your melee, as it is required for the exotic. Mask of Fealty causes Withering Blade to create a stasis crystal and deal a few miles of damage every time it hits or bounces off a surface. It also releases a fan of withering blades when you use it to shatter a frozen target. With that in mind, your build should be very melee and freeze-focused.
Aspects |
abilities |
fragments |
Recommended armor mods |
Modern executioner |
Gambler's Dodge |
Facet of Ruin |
Bolstering detonation |
Glacial Harvest |
No jumping |
Facet of protection |
Impact induction x2 |
Withering blade |
Facet of hope |
Innervation x2 |
Facet of devotion |
Bomber x2 |
Facet of dawn |
Repair |
Your fragments generally focus on uptime capability and survivability. Your main fragment that will matter is Facet of Ruin, which increases the size of the freezing burst that appears when you shatter a stasis crystal or frozen target, allowing the freeze to spread and hopefully be shattered by the new Withering Blades that spawn. In addition, you will receive Radiance from the Facet of Dawn, which will increase your weapon damage. Running a stasis exotic weapon like Ager's Scepter will increase your ability to freeze and defeat everything on the battlefield.
Blastweave Striders Titan Build
The Blastweave Striders will be a stasis build, focused on maximum kill potential and ammo economy. The exotic legs have a pretty unique perk; Charge the armor by defeating targets, and spend the charge by rocket-jumping or sliding backwards. You'll create stasis crystals on impact, and your charged rocket jumps also give you Frost Armor.
Aspects |
abilities |
fragments |
Recommended armor mods |
Will of the storm |
Sharp strike |
Whispers of Redding |
momentum transfer |
Tectonic Harvest |
Strafe elevator |
Whisper of conduction |
Impact induction |
rally barricade |
whispers of rhyme |
Repair |
Glacier grenade |
Whispers of fissures |
Outreach |
The fragments focus on generating stasis crystals and shattering them, thereby dealing burst damage and slow thanks to the freezing detonation they release when they shatter. You'll want to run the new exotic grenade launcher, Alethonym, to help with your ammo economy, as you'll need the heavy and grenade ammo to consistently rocket jump and proc Blastweave Striders. Overall, this build will do a pretty decent job of keeping your enemies right where you want them as a stasis titan: frozen, and then exploded.
All three of the new exotic armor pieces in Destiny 2: Revenant expand on the Stasis playstyle in their own way. They aren't super hard to unlock, but they each open up new avenues for their class to use this tried and true subclass in a new way. Stasis has been relevant since it was introduced, with nerfs hitting the subclass hard in 2021, but now in The final form's second season, it seems that Stasis is here to stay.
Source: Azteccross/YouTube
Destiny 2: The Final Form
- Franchise
- platforms
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
- Released
June 4, 2024