Debbie Johnson's 90 Day Fiance franchise recently shared a heartfelt message for her partner, Tony Starcevich, as she celebrated her birthday in Canada. The couple last appeared in 90 Day: The Single Life Season 2, during which Debbie decided to move permanently to Tony's house in Canada. In early 2024, the couple faced a brief separation due to visa issues; They have since reunited and now live happily together in British Columbia. Debbie recently marked a significant milestone in her relationship by celebrating Halloween together, and she referred to Tony's house as her own house.
Debbie and Tony's relationship is going strong, sparking marriage rumors on reality TV shows, if the network has the opportunity.
For Tony's birthday recently, Deborah expressed her deep love for him by putting together a video with happy photos and writing a heartfelt note. Debbie affectionately referred to Tony as her baby and said: "Thank you for making my life complete. I love you lots." She mentioned liking "every day" with her Canadian boyfriend. Although Debbie hasn't revealed Tony's exact age, it appears he is in his 70s. Colt also commented on Debbie's sweet post to Tony, saying: "happy birthday man."
What does Debbie's sweet birthday message to Tony mean?
Debbie may marry Tony in Canada
Debbie was single for 13 years after the untimely death of her husband, who was also Colt's father. She dedicated her life to helping her son choose a suitable partner for him. After Colt married his best friend, Vanessa Guerra, Debbie realized it was time to find a companion to share her life with. She was immediately charmed by Tony, despite being apprehensive about his peculiar hobby of collecting skulls and bones. Although Debbie and Tony's fast-paced relationship has raised some concerns, your latest updates keep the expression when you know, you know.
Initially, Debbie didn't feel the need to officially commit to Tony by tying the knot. However, she now seems more open to the idea and is not opposed to fans wanting to see her wedding on reality television. Hopefully the network is aware of Debbie's interest and will consider documenting her journey to the altar. If If Debbie married Tony in Canada, she could also apply for residency there. She will not have to worry about a visa and will be able to travel between the United States and Canada without restrictions or stay longer in one country.
Our Take on Debbie's Sweet Birthday Post for Tony
Debbie is full of love and has never been a problem in Colt's relationships
Debbie's sweet message to Tony on his special day suggests that they are very happy living apart from Colt, who is now apparently living with Cortney Reardanz following his breakup with Vanessa. Debbie's romantic relationship with Tony proves that she was never a bad person; She was a little overprotective of her son and cautious with his foreign girlfriends. She is no longer interfering in his life and allowing him to solve his own problems. Hopefully Debbie and Tony will return to 90 Day Fiance franchise soon.
Source: Debbie Johnson/Instagram