Deadpool outsmarts Wolverine in close combat, using strategic thinking to defeat Logan in the midst of an animalistic rampage.
The symbiotic unity of Deadpool and Wolverine leads to a surprising victory for Wade Wilson over Logan.
The unconventional circumstances of their battle showcase Deadpool's survival capabilities and strategic mind, suggesting that he truly is one of the few characters in the Marvel Universe capable of taking down Wolverine.
Warning: Spoilers ahead Deadpool and Wolverine: WWIII #3Deadpool And Wolverine are known as two of the deadliest combatants in the Marvel Universe, and their latest confrontation pits the two X-Force alumni against one another in closer quarters than ever before—in the process, Finally confirming who will win a fight to the death once and for all.
Deadpool and Wolverine: WWIII #3 By Joe Kelly, Adam Kubert, Frank Martin and VC Joe Sabino brings Wade and Logan closer than anyone expected as Wolverine finds himself trapped in a berserker rage. On the warpath, Logan begins to hear Deadpool's voice before Wade begins to grow out of Wolverine's back.
Wolverine proceeds to violently slash at his abnormal appendage, only for Wade to rip Logan's adamantium rib and spike it through his ear canal to paralyze him - snapping the cocknucklehead out of his rage and saving innocent bystanders in the process cementing his victory over Logan once and for all. And for all.
Marvel admits that Deadpool could beat Wolverine in a "mortal combat" scenario
Deadpool and Wolverine: WWIII #3 - Written by Joe Kelly; Art by Adam Kubert, Frank Martin, & VC Joe Sabino
Since they become closer than any two living beings would usually like, the members of X-Force gained a newfound respect for one another, just as fans should gain a newfound respect for Wade Wilson's survival capabilities.
Eventually, Wolverine and Deadpool are separate entities again, but their time together as one symbiotic unit puts both combatants on the back foot in very interesting ways. After all, Logan's animalistic instincts leave him at a slight disadvantage against a more sentient opponent, but that reasoning doesn't hold much weight when Wolverine's opponent in question is essentially a living backpack. And when the living backpack is the mouse with a mouth - One of Marvel's most dangerous killers in any chain - Wade Wilson's survival capabilities give him the edge he needs against his old frenemy Logan.
Clearly, these aren't the normal circumstances in which Deadpool and Wolverine would be expected to face off, but if anything, it makes Deadpool's victory even more impressive. After all, Wolverine in a berserker rage is Logan at his most dangerous, even without intelligent reasoning, and everything that gets in his way is not long for living. Add in the fact that Deadpool can barely use the full extent of his extraordinary combat prowess, and his victory against Wolverine highlights Wade's very strategic mind far more than his base skills as a fighter.
It seems that Deadpool knows exactly what to do to stop Wolverine right in his tracks - especially when their fates and spines are fused together.
Deadpool and Wolverine are closer than ever
That closeness was Logan's vulnerability
Wolverine and Deadpool have fought with and against each other countless times, but they've never fought a battle as close—both literally and figuratively—as this one. While neither X-Force hero was exactly at their peak, they are both still incredibly dangerous warriors who should never be underestimated in any situation. And when push comes to shove, It means that Deadpool Knows exactly what to do to stop Wolverine Right in his tracks - Especially when their fates and spines are fused together.