Dead Pool co-creator Rob Liefeld is saying goodbye to Marvel Comicsas Deadpool Team It will be the artist's last work produced for Casa das Ideias. For the penultimate issue of this five-part miniseries, Liefeld is pulling out all the stops, as one of the last major characters he created for Marvel is returning in a big way.
Written and drawn by Rob Liefeld, Deadpool Team It's been a wild ride so far, as Wade Wilson finds himself embroiled in a war over dragon eggs in an alternate dimension. Characters as varied as Wolverine, Hulk and Crystar have appeared so far, but Deadpool Team #4 brings Major X into the fray.
Major X, the perfect guest star to bring into the story; Rob Liefeld previously introduced him to the Marvel canon in 2019, but he hasn't appeared much since. However, he is the perfect character to appear Deadpool Teamas the visualization above will attest.
Rob Liefeld's Marvel Farewell Brings Back Major X – Cable's Alternate Timeline Son, Explained
Deadpool Team #4 – Written by Rob Liefeld; Liefeld Art; Ink by Liefeld, Chance Wolf and Ed Tadeo; Color by Juan Manuel Rodriguez; Joe Sabino Lyrics
Major X is actually Alexander Nathaniel Summers, son of Cable and Storm from an alternate future; As is often the case with time travelers associated with the X-Men, Major X's future is quite bleak, as Earth's mutants have largely been wiped out by a being known as the Catalyst. Young Summers was raised on X-Istance, a safe haven established by mutants and Atlanteans. There he was trained by his father to be the ultimate warrior, eventually joining X-Command's army and earning the rank of Major.
Major X is a very powerful mutant, as he has all of his father's telepathic and telekinetic abilities, in addition to his mother's weather manipulation.
The founder of X-Istance was a mutant known as X-Ential, who eventually disappeared after disagreeing with the Atlanteans. This left the X-Istance in a vulnerable state, allowing the Catalyst to carry out a deadly attack. With everything falling apart, Major X used his vehicle, the Motherbike, to travel through time and find the X-Ential's past so he could restore the X-Istance in the future. As the son of Cable and Storm, Major X is a very powerful mutant, as he has all of his father's telepathic and telekinetic abilities, in addition to his mother's weather manipulation.
Major X returns in the penultimate issue of Deadpool Team-Up – hinting at a key role in the finale
Deadpool Team #5 (of 5) – Available January 29, 2025 from Marvel Comics
Major X also has quite the arsenal at his disposal. Although he is an expert marksman who makes use of several large firearms, Major X also possesses the Sword of X, a blade made from Wolverine's melted adamantium bones. With all of this at his disposal, Major X should be more than up to the challenge of defeating Deadpool, so It will be interesting to see how Major X plays into Rob Liefeld's swan song for his most beloved character, and the Marvel Universe as a whole.
Deadpool Team #4 is now available from Marvel Comics.