when deadpool & Wolverine Bringing back Taylor Mane's SabretoothIt finally gave fans a rematch that was decades in the making. Everyone who watched 2000s X-Men Knowing that a mere fall from the Statue of Liberty (even after a blast from Cyclops) wouldn't be enough to put Sabretooth down for good, he still didn't make another appearance until Deadpool & Wolverine. Well, that's not true, because Tyler Mane's Sabretooth is back in a previous storyline, and Deadpool & Wolverine Did him dirty by ignoring him.
in X2: X-Men United: The Movie Prequel: Wolverine By Brian K. Vaughan and Tom Mandrake, Wolverine is right where fans left him at the end of the first X-Men Film. Riding Cyclops' motorcycle, Wolverine is on his way to Alkali Lake to investigate the secrets of his past - and he's not alone. Sabretooth secretly tracked Logan throughout his journey, and when Wolverine stopped for gas, Sabretooth launched his attack.
The battle between the two mutant rivals was one of the coolest in their shared history, a brutal matchup that ended in both of them getting doused in gasoline, and Wolverine burning them alive. While the fight was cool (and more than worthy of a live-action treatment), the storyline really picked up when Wolverine and Sabretooth stopped fighting each other, and started working together to fight Weapon X operatives. After they are captured by Weapon X, Sabretooth even finds redemption by helping Wolverine escape the clutches of the organization - a move that costs him his own life.
Wolverine and Sabretooth's live-action reunion would have been a warm one, not violent
Sabretooth sacrifices himself to save Wolverine after the two become friends
When Wolverine sees Sabretooth in the void in Deadpool & WolverineTheir conflict is on-point, as if they have some unfinished business that needs to be dealt with immediately. However, this completely ignores Sabretooth's canonical character development in the Fox X-Men Universe. After Sabretooth realizes that both he and Wolverine are former mind-controlled operators of Weapon X, Victor immediately befriends him and eventually sacrifices himself to save Logan.
Not only that, but the comic also confirms that Sabretooth was never a villain, not even in the first movie. Sabretooth only worked for Magneto because Eric promised to help him uncover the secrets of his past, and Sabretooth only accepted Magneto's offer because he really thought he was doing the right thing for mutantkind, and that the X-Men were the villains . This version of Sabretooth is nothing like his Marvel Comics counterpart, however Deadpool & Wolverine Totally erases that, reverting the character to his more 'two-dimensional' form.
One Detail Saves Deadpool & Wolverine's Sabretooth Plot Hole: Different Wolverine
Ignoring Sabretooth's character development in the canon tie-in comic is a bit of a plot hole, especially as it relates to his relationship with Wolverine. However, there is one detail that saves the film: it was a different Wolverine. While played by Hugh Jackman, the Wolverine in Deadpool & Wolverine Was not the same version of the character of the original X-Men films. Therefore, everything that happened between Sabretooth and Wolverine in the tie-in did not happen to Wolverine, meaning Sabretooth would still very much be his enemy - and vice versa.
However, given the meta nature of Deadpool & WolverineTyler Mane's Sabretooth fighting Hugh Jackman's Wolverine is yet another rematch, even if the versions of the two characters are technically fighting each other for the first time. So, while the movie avoids a plot hole due to this detail, it's still a shame that it ignores Sabretooth's off-screen development in lieu of a brief cameo and a quick death—really, deadpool & Wolverine did Sabretooth dirty