D&D How Crafting Works in the 2024 DM Guide

D&D How Crafting Works in the 2024 DM Guide

There's a new way to create Dungeons and Dragons with the advent of 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide. The new impression of Damage brings many new mechanics, but also renews and reestablishes many of the ones that already existed. A concept that is being completely reformulated in the new version of the Fifth Edition is that of craftsmanship. Crafting has always been a part of 5e, but the rules around it were previously a bit vague, requiring only the necessary tools, proficiencies, and DM discretion. This made it difficult to make specific items without a lot of improvisation.

Now, however, in 2024 Damage, the rules around drafting are specific, concrete and established - although not entirely inflexible. Players need access to the right materials, tools, and skills to create highly specific items, and there is a definitive way to determine whether the process is successful or not. However, they also have access to a much wider variety of crafting recipes, allowing them to create everything from mundane tools, traps, and equipment to potent magical items. Here's everything you need to know DnDnew production systems.

D&D's New Crafting System Explained

Everything You Need to Know About Crafting in 2024 DMG

The materials and prerequisites for crafting, as well as the items that players can craft, have been greatly refined and clarified in 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide. To begin with, Players can craft items in four different categories: magical items, non-magical items, potions, and spell scrolls. To craft any of the above, players must have access to the necessary tools and be proficient in them.

These basic rules apply to the crafting of all items, regardless of their nature. However, there are special provisions for crafting magical items, potions and spell scrollsas detailed below.

How creating potions and spells works

Special crafting recipes in 2024 DMG

A sorcerer working with a great tome in the 2024 D&D Dungeon Master's Guide.

As with previous 5e prints, Players can also craft potions and spell scrolls using 5e's new crafting rules. Perhaps the most shocking revelation is that players can now craft Healing Potions in DnD. This works similarly to creating non-magical items, but with a special clause applied due to its relative simplicity. While the time required to craft an item is typically determined by its cost, a Healing Potion only takes one in-game day to craft.

Players can also create a wide variety of other potions as long as they are proficient with the Herbalist's Kit. However, some other potions are considered magical items and are subject to the unique rules of their crafting (See below).

More magically inclined players can also create spell scrollsaccording to the 2024 rules. To do so, they must have proficiency in Arcana or Calligrapher's Tools, and have the spell they are writing, along with any material components, prepared whenever they wish to work on the scroll. Spell scrolls also have special time and cost restrictions, which are determined by the spell level, as described in the table below.

Spell Level

Time to create

Preparation cost


1 day



1 day



3 days



5 days

150 GP


10 days

1,000 GP


25 days

1,500 GP


40 days

10,000 GP


50 days

12,500 GP


60 days

15,000 GP


120 days

50,000 GP

Note that these crafting costs are generally much lower than in previous printing. With all of this in mind, players can craft spell scrolls as they would any other item. The only other thing to remember is that, For cantrips that vary based on the caster's level, the player casting the magic scroll can cast it as if they were the scribe's level.. For example, if a fifth-level wizard creates a sacred flame spell scroll and then cast by a second-level cleric, it deals 2d8 damage as if cast by a fifth-level spellcaster.

How creating magical items works

Advanced item creation in DMG 2024

DND rogue on the left and magic sword item on the right

It's no secret that magic items are an important part of DnD since its 2024 revision, and the changes to magic items also extend to crafting. Players can now craft magic items of various levelsbut each comes with certain restrictions that do not apply to crafting the mundane. In addition to the usual prerequisites, players must also be proficient in Arcana to create a magical item. If they can cast a spell, such as the Magic Missile Wand, the player must also know what spell they can cast.

If the magic item is simply an enchanted version of a normal item, then players can craft it using a mundane version of that item. For example, given any sword, a player can create a Sword of Wound as long as it meets the other prerequisites.

Furthermore, calculating the cost of crafting a magical item is different from calculating the cost of crafting a mundane item. Instead of simply halving the cost of purchasing the item, the price of a magical item's raw materials is directly based on the rarity of the desired result.

How item creation works

All rules and crafting moves in DMG 2024

A shield, an ice-covered ring, and a bone-like wand in front of a D&D treasure room

Once again, changes to the DM Guide Explain that crafting any item requires a specific tool and proficiency with it. For example, only players with proficiency in Carpenter's Tools can build a ladder or torch, and only those with proficiency in Potter's Tools can make a jar or lamp. Each of these tools has costs and uses defined in the Damageexplaining exactly how much a player will have to pay to get them and what they can create with the right proficiency.

Furthermore, each specific tool is associated with a specific ability score, allowing for more defined dice rolls to determine the quality of a crafted item. Players gain Advantage on their crafting checks if they have proficiency in the tool they are using and the associated skill. They can also receive help from any other players or NPCs who are also proficient in this tool.

Each item manufactured also has an inherent costwhich represents the need to obtain raw materials before manufacturing the item. The cost of the raw materials required for an item is half its purchase price, rounded down - for example, a Potion of Healing costs 50 GP, so the raw materials to craft one would cost 25. However, this is up to you. from the DM, as they may decide that the specific raw materials the player needs are not available and therefore the item cannot be crafted.

Finally, there is time; Each crafted item also requires a certain number of in-game days to craftas long as the player is able to dedicate a full eight hours each day working on the object. To determine the time needed to craft an item, divide the purchase price by ten and then round up. A 1,500 GP plate armor suit, for example, would take 150 days to manufacture.

The introduction of better-defined mechanics means that crafting will likely become a much bigger part of 5e. Tool proficiency is more important than ever, and crafting everything from the most mundane Healing Potion to an all-powerful Legendary weapon is now much more accessible. Whether they're incorporating them into a long-running campaign or starting a new one with the new game materials, players and DMs have a lot to gain from reading about the new crafting mechanics in Dungeons and Dragons.