The 2024 Player's Handbook for Dungeons & Dragons Brings many new changes to character classes, the most significant being the revisions made to character subclasses. The bard class in particular, which only had two available subclasses back in 2014, now grants players even more creative freedom by adding Two brand new subclasses to choose from. While the Colleges of Valor and Lore make their return, albeit with some revisions, the Colleges of Glamor and Dance promise to bring many exciting new features to the table that are sure to excite both veteran and new players alike.
As a master of magic, music, and various weapons, bards are An incredibly versatile class capable of both martial combat and spellcasting. Each subclass provides a bard with different useful features, allowing them to assist their allies, distract enemies and finally put on a fantastic spectacle. All four of these subclasses bring exciting new potential to Dungeons & Dragons Gameplay, but only one allows players to really use their showmanship in a way that both amazes audiences and provides significant support to allies.
College of Valor Bards are now more flexible
Use both spells and weapons during battle
As one of the original two subclasses that was introduced back in 2014, the College of Valor grants bards immense flexibility when it comes to weapons and spells. The latest 2024 revisions allow more flexibility in combat than players currently have Able to cast a cantrip during one of their extra attacks. They will also now be much closer to martial classes, able to use their weapon as part of their spellcasting focus, channeling their magic through the weapons themselves.
However, this flexibility comes at a small price, as the College of Valor will transform a bard into A jack of all trades but a master of none. These particular bards become much less of a flashy performer, and, instead, are much closer to typical fighters in terms of their abilities. The bard colleague certainly has its usefulness when it comes to battle tactics, but there are others that provide even more support for both the bard themselves and their allies.
College of Lore have subtle changes
Players can swap between spells and use feats more effectively
Although the changes made to the College of Lore were quite subtle, the changes improved the bard's effectiveness in combat and their access to spells. With the Magical Discoveries feature, lore bards are now Able to swap their spells every time they level up. This is incredibly useful, especially if a player wants to try a spell from a different class, such as a cleric, druid, or wizard.
College of Lore Bards can also be quite useful to their allies, thanks to the revisions made to their iconic Cutting Words feature. It is Able to reduce an enemy's attack roll, ability check or saving throwAnd even works on creatures that are immune to being charmed. By simply using creative word choices to distract and confuse enemies, this feature can allow bards to aid allies by turning the tides of battle in an instant.
College of glamor are illusions
An effective way to dazzle and frighten enemies
First introduced in Xanathar's guide to everythingThe College of Glamor bards are able to amaze their audience and prove to be a useful asset in battle against enemies. Various features like Beguiling Magic and Mantle of Majesty mean that the bards Always have useful spells like Nice man And Command prepared, Which allows players to influence NPCs however they want. This subclass is also able to use enchantment or illusion spells to charm or terrify a target, and while it has a limited number of uses, it can be incredibly useful in the right situations.
There is also the Unbreakable Majesty feature, which requires an enemy to succeed on a Charisma saving throw when attacking the bard for the first time. Should the enemy fail the saving throw, Their attack completely missesMeaning that the bard is simply too enthralling to hurt. The combination of a useful battlefield advantages make the College of Glamor Bard a useful asset in any D&D party, as they are able to defend themselves while also having a huge influence on those around them.
College of Dance can dazzle enemies
Adding extra flair to both the stage and the battlefield
The most exciting of the new bard subclass, the College of Dance not only turns the bard into a true musical entertainer but also allows them to provide the best ally support of all the four colleges. College of Dance Bards perform better when dancing thanks to The dazzling footwork featureAllowing them to charm and delight others without the need to use words. The same feature also allows bards to use their Bardic Inspiration and Dexterity modifier to calculate their unarmed hit damage.
Once a College of Dance bard reaches the sixth level, they can begin Use features that involve their allies. They can use their bardic inspiration on both themselves and a fellow party member to move away from an enemy without provoking an opportunity attack, or even add bonuses to the entire party's initiative, allowing them to jump into action sooner than they normally would. With all these incredible new features, it cannot be denied that the College of Dance Bard is the most compelling bard subclass in Dungeons & Dragons Until now.