The Sorcerer class presents some of the most powerful spellcasting options for players in Dungeons & DragonsMainly due to their supply of magic points. While Wizards don't learn as many different spells as wizards or clerics, They can use their sorcery points to reclaim spell slots or to modify their spells Use metamagic. Metamagic options include ways to make spells affect more creatures, last longer, and even make magic damage more powerful.
There were ten metamagic options for wizards in the 2014 Player's HandbookAnd the 2024 version includes the same ten choices. But Some important updates have made the metamagic features stronger Like ever. While some options are untouched, others have had their costs reduced, and two in particular have even added additional effects to what they do.
Sorcery point cost and class progression improve the utility of Metamagic
Wizards in the 2024 Player's Handbook Gain access to their initial metamagic features at level two instead of three, giving them those options earlier than before. Not only that, but They can also use more of the metamagic options than they once couldAble to swap their choices during each level-up and get more available at once in later levels. Not only that, but the enchantment point cost for many of the options has dropped.
Metamagic option |
Description |
Sorcery point cost |
Careful spell |
Excludes selected targets within an instant's area of its effects |
1 |
Far spell |
Double a spell's range or grant a touch spell 30 feet of range |
1 |
Empowered Spell |
Reroll a spell's damage dice to get a higher result |
1 |
Extended spell |
Double a spell's duration and maintain better concentration |
1 |
Heightened spell |
Give one target instant damage on the saving throw |
2 |
Quick spell |
Shorten the casting time of a spell from an action to a bonus action |
2 |
Search now |
Reroll an instant attack roll |
1 |
Subtle spell |
Disregard verbal, somatic and some material component needs |
1 |
Transmuted spell |
Change a spell's damage type |
1 |
Twinned Spell |
Upcast a spell that affects one creature to make it affect two |
1 |
Certain metamagic choices, like heightened spell and higher-level versions of twined spell, were very difficult to use, as they could cost 3 or more sorcery points. Sorcerers during most of a D&D campaign will have less than a dozen Points per long rest, so the lower cost for each of these abilities really increases how much players can use them. This change allows wizards to lean more into twisting and altering their magic and feel like spell sculptors.
Careful and extended spells are more useful than before
Two previously-underwhelming choices are now quite powerful
The cautious and extended spell metamagics can now do more than before. Extended spell still makes a spell's duration twice as long, up to 24 hours, but the use for this can be quite niche because time works in D&D combat. But now it does something else, Allowing sorcerers to make concentration checks with advantage. Sorcerers already get proficiency in Constitution saving throws, but using this would make it almost guaranteed that they could keep their more powerful spells going.
The careful spell has a much bigger and better improvement. in 2014 D&D Rules, Careful Spell specified that sorcerers could pick up creatures in the range/radius of their spell and let them automatically succeed on the saving throw, but they would still take half damage from certain spells like fireball. This wasn't particularly useful, and was inferior to alternatives like the evocation wizard's "sculpted spells." Now, the metamagic also says that Chosen creatures take no damage from the spellFinally making this metamagic feature worth using.