DCU Green Lantern actor hopes to secretly reveal the franchise's perfect Deathstroke casting

DCU Green Lantern actor hopes to secretly reveal the franchise's perfect Deathstroke casting

The perfect casting choice for death stroke In the rebooted DC Universe can be found in the line-up of actors rumored to be in the running to play Hal Jordans' Green Lantern in the upcoming Lantern Series. Speculation has been rife in recent weeks that DC Studios could be close to casting Hal Jordan in the DCU, with several high profile stars, such as Josh Brolin, Matthew McConaughey and Ewan McGregor, supposedly in the running. Any number of these actors would be great as the Green Lantern, but one would make a much better Deathstroke.

One of the actors rumored to be in the running to be Hal Jordan's Green Lantern is Timothy Olyphant. Best known for his roles in Scream 2, Deadwood, justified and recently, The MandalorianTimothy Olyphant would be a huge get for DC Studios, and he would certainly be great in the role of an older Green Lantern, as Hal Jordan is expected to act as a mentor figure to the younger John Stewart. However, Olyphant's specific qualities much better match the character of Slade Wilson's Deathstroke, who may soon debut in the DCU.


Timothy Olyphant is better suited to Slade Wilson than Hal Jordan

Deathstroke in blue and orange costume in DC Comics

Although it makes sense for Hal Jordan to be a mentor to John Stewart in the DCU Lantern series, the Green Lantern is usually depicted as slightly younger than Timothy Olyphant's 56 years. However, Slade Wilson, on the other hand, is in his 50s, better matching Oliphant's own age. As indicated by Good NightDrewOliphant bears a striking resemblance to Deathstroke from DC Comics, drawing stronger comparisons to Slade Wilson than Hal Jordan. Aside from his physical appearance, Oliphant has all the talent to play Deathstroke.

Why Timothy Olyphant would make a perfect death stroke in the DCU

Timothy Olyphant has pretty much done it all. He has starred in action movies, horror films, dramas, comedies and westerns, which means he has the incredible range necessary to accurately and faithfully pull off a character as complex as DC Comics' Deathstroke. Slade Wilson was never depicted properly in live-action, but Timothy Olyphant's rough-around-the-edges but comforting demeanor would be perfect for the villain. At his heart, Slade Wilson is a father on a mission of ​​revenge, and Oliphant would excel in delivering this thoughtfulness, but also brutality.

Slade Wilson live action actor

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Throughout his acting career, Timothy Olyphant was constantly cast in the role of the dashing villain, fitting for Slade Wilson's Deathstroke. Oliphant also has a huge amount of experience in action-heavy, high-octane projects, so a role in a superhero franchise makes sense for the actor.. He has also previously expressed his interest in joining a superhero franchise, even going so far as to audition for the role of Tony Stark at Marvel Studios. Iron ManBut the villainous and complicated Deathstroke could be the perfect role for the seasoned star.

Slade Wilson may debut in the DCU's Teen Titans movie

Robin leads the Teen Titans in DC Comics

Despite being in his 50s, Slade Wilson is the archenemy to the young superhero team, the Teen Titans, in DC Comics. His vendetta against the Teen Titans began when his son, Grant Wilson, was killed on a contract mission to take out the group, and he persisted as Dick Grayson's nemesis for several decades. This means that the perfect opportunity for Slade Wilson's debut in the live-action DC Universe has already been confirmed, as a Teen Titans Movie is in development for the rebooted franchise.


Back in May, DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn Confirmed that there are plans for death stroke To have a role in the DCU. Ana Noguiera, who is writing the script for the DCU Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrowis set to also write these Teen Titans movie, and it seems likely that Slade Wilson will appear in the movie. It would be fantastic to see Timothy Olyphant cast in this role, debuting against a new superhero team as an iconic villain That could persist as a threat for several years to come.


Warner Bros. Pictures


Ana Noguiera

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