Warning: Contains spoilers for Zatana: Bring down the house #4!
The romance between Zatanna And John Constantine is one of DC's steamiest, but now the publisher has flipped the script on it by revealing he was sent to kill you! The new one Zatana: Bring down the houseFrom DC Black Label, has upended fan expectations by giving you the beginning of new layers. In number four, Her first meeting with John Constantine is revealed, but not in the way readers expect.
Zatanna was created by Gardner Fox and Murphy Anderson
Zatana: Bring down the house #4 is written by Mariko Tamaki and drawn by Javier Rodriguez. The issue shows the early days of Zatana's relationship with John Constantine. He sneaks out on her the night of her birthday, but not before giving her an enchanted hat, designed to protect her from harm. however, The real twist is that a society of magicians sent Constantine to kill Zatanna.
He quickly realized that Zatna was not the enemy, and fell in love with her.
Constantine left her as a young woman in order to protect her.
Zatana and John Constantine are one of DC's best couples
Zatana and Constantine are proof opposites attract Just as Zatana's origin was subject to recon, so was how she first met John Constantine, and Bring down the house Provides a fascinating look at this historic occasion.
Zatana: Bring down the house used the character's 60th anniversary to give her a new and definitive origin. The series explored Zatanna's relationships throughout her life. Her father, the hero of the Golden Age Zatara, is alone Bring down the house redefines him as cold, distant and, as seen at the end of issue four, now a villain. Constantine is the other prominent relationship in Zatana's life. Just as Zatana's origin was subject to recon, so was how she first met John Constantine, and Bring down the house Provides a fascinating look at this historic occasion.
Like Zatana, John Constantine is a powerful magic user, but the two come from vastly different worlds. Zatanna, or at least the mainstream, Earth-0 version, came from a life of luxury and status afforded to her by her world-famous father. On the other side of the spectrum was Constantine. Born into a working-class British family, Constantine is very much a man of the streets. He is not only good at magic, but also a world-class conman. Some of Constantine's best adventures come when he relies more on his wits than spells.
John Constantine did more than save Zatana's life
Zatana and John Constantine were made for each other
John Constantine was created by Alan Moore, John Totleben and Stephen R. Bissette during their legendary run Saga of the Swamp Thing Run and served as a foil for the mack monster. Shortly before Constantine debuted, Swamp Thing learned the truth about himself: that he was never human and was instead a powerful earth elemental. Despite this, Swamp Thing is still confused about his powers and his place in the DC Universe. Constantine, through manipulation and trickery, helped Swamp Thing come to terms with who he was and showed him the true extent of his powers.
And now, John Constantine is doing the same thing with Zatanna. He enters her life under false pretenses, just like he did in Swamp Thing. He feels the raw power Zatana possesses and, after falling in love with her, he wants to help her develop further. This echoes how John Constantine Helped Swamp Thing find his footing, right down to the subterfuge he employed on her. It was the best thing to happen Zatna, How she not only met her best love interest, but also learned about how deep her powers ran.
Zatana: Bring down the house #4 is on sale now from DC Comics!