Warning: Spoilers for Power Girl #13Superman And his super-family are the epitome of the brightest light and the ultimate symbol of hope in the DC Universe. They don't ever cross the line, and they don't need a no-kill rule, unlike some other heroes. But a new dark hero has debuted, and her power, though innocent enough, is being used in a novel way so shocking that even Superman might have to excommunicate the new "superhero." Ejecta of Metropolis.
Superman has a wide range of villains he has to face, but they may be nothing compared to this new, and supposedly heroic, threat. in Power girl #13 By Leah Williams, Adriana Melo, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Becca Carey, Power Girl's best friend - Omen, the telepath and former Teen Titan Lilith Clay - attends a party with fellow superhero Natasha "Steel" Irons when she is threatened by a Sudden Force freshly debuting in DC Comics.
Her name is Ejecta, and she claims to have the power to see into the future. What she saw of Omen's future is so bad that she is elected to kill Omen before the future ever comes trueIn a dark twist, on a well-known superpower.
Enter Ejecta: DC's newest dark hero
With alleged precognitive powers, Ejecta cleans the metropolis before it gets dirty
Ejecta claims to have the power of precognition, which means she can see into the future. She is not the only hero with this ability, considering there is one powerful magic user, Mordred, who saw his future turn to evil and tried to go back in time to save himself from destruction. She appeared in a knight's shining armor, but instead of coming to save Omen, she came to kill her. She has seen the future, and as some sort of time traveler, she is trying to stop the dark future from happening.
Like Superman, this omen apparently has some powerful abilities yet to be unlocked. Omen's powers of telepathy are reported, according to Ejecta's precognition, to grow so powerful that she will threaten the very fabric of the world. Ejecta even shows Omen the future by allowing her mind to be read, showing Omen her fate, and exactly why Ejecta must kill her. And of course, the future aside, Ejecta feels like the villain hereBecause Oman hasn't done anything wrong - yet.
Is Ejecta a hero or a villain?
Throw out claims there is evil in Oman's future
Ejecta isn't just a dark anti-hero like Lobo or Marvel's Punisher, but her first appearance and simple motivations make her The most morally gray character in current comics. On paper, she is a hero who protects the whole world, and in a utilitarian sense, she protects the good of the many by sacrificing only one - the life of Omen. It's the old thought experiment of a time traveler going back in time to kill Hitler before he ever did anything wrong. Then the question becomes whether a person is guilty of sins they have not yet committed.
In Omen's case, Ejecta promised to return to finish the job. The quick battle is a taste of what's to come, as is Ejecta's supposed precognition and Omen's superhero name. As Power Girl protects her best friend Omen in the coming issues, it's impossible to tell if Omen will soon unlock her supposedly disturbing powers. In any case, good or bad, Ejecta Will deliver justice in her new and twisted way - one Superman would never approve of.
Power girl #13 is available now from DC Comics.