Upcoming Deathstroke & Bane Movie Offers a Great Opportunity DC to capitalize on the DCEU's untapped plans for Deathstroke. DC's lineup of upcoming movies and shows has seen a lot of changes in recent history, with the end of the DCEU and the beginning of the DC Universe meaning a new new world and a new slate of projects to go with it. While the likes of DCU Superman film and Batman-centric Brave and Bold The film is perhaps a predictable release, with a slew of less expected films also announced.
One of the more surprising announcements was the Deathstroke and Bane film, which was announced to be in production at the end of September 2024. While no director is reportedly attached to the project at this time, Moon Knight And Captain America: Brave New World screenwriter Matthew Orton is set to write the film, with DC Studios co-CEOs Peter Safran and James Gunn also serving as producers on the project. Considering that Deathstroke's previous DC movie history is full of missed chances, hopefully the release can make up for some of those missed opportunities.
DC's Deathstroke movie plans could finally bring untapped plans for DCEU villains to fruition
The upcoming Deathstroke project offers a chance to bring some of the DCEU's untapped plans to life
While the specific details of the Deathstroke and Bane movie aren't entirely clear yet, the decision to include Slade Wilson in the upcoming release means the antagonist will finally get his day in the sun in some form after only appearing in two films . versions Justice Leagueallowing DCEU Deathstroke's untapped plans to come to fruition in some sense, even if it's not as originally intended. While audiences only got a glimpse of the DCEU's Deathstroke, he had a lot of plans that would greatly expand his role in the franchise.
Reports stated that there were talks of Deathstroke releasing his own solo movie and being a key figure in the film. Batman when Ben Affleck was still involved with the project and appeared in Suicide SquadDeathstroke actor Joe Manganiello stated that there were plans for this before James Gunn joined the project as director, and Gunn himself mentioned that he was considering using Deathstroke as part of the film's team.
Overall, the years haven't been particularly kind to the DC villain in terms of bringing him to the big screen despite all these plans, and many have given up hope of ever seeing the character in another live-action film anytime soon. . As such, the idea of Deathstroke not only appearing in a starring role, but in a way that capitalizes on the idea of him getting his own movie - and potentially setting up for future films - seems to really make these seemingly wasted hopes for Slade a reality Wilson's reality..
Deathstroke's unused plans for the DCEU were one of the franchise's biggest losses
Deathstroke Could Become a Major Player in the DCEU
Closing the book of one cinematic universe to begin another is a concept that will always inevitably have some collateral damage, and Deathstroke's unused DCEU plans are a prime example of this. If even some of the scrapped ideas for Deathstroke had been implemented, the franchise would have had a character who could act as an on-line villain, tying the projects and universe together and creating a more cohesive feel for the DCEU.
This is especially true of the unproduced Deathstroke solo film, which had the potential to truly create the villain-centric story that Sony's Spider-Man universe has tried to do with mixed success - with an action-oriented character with real promise in terms of telling it its own story and perhaps even having the ability to attract those who are not interested in the superhero genre itself, but who would relate to the story of a mercenary who regularly undertakes life-threatening and mind-boggling missions.
In its current form, DC now has the opportunity to delve deeper into what this could look like in a Deathstroke and Bane movie.causing the DCEU's unused plans to go from being a waste to something that came to fruition, albeit much later and in a very different way than previously expected. While it's clear the project won't be tied into the DCEU timeline itself, for those mourning the loss of those previous plans, this may be the next best option.
Why Deathstroke is the perfect character to appear in future DC films
Deathstroke is the perfect character for film adaptation
Deathstroke's comic history is clearly complex when it comes to his moral worldview, with various plots transforming the character from a completely incorrigible villain to a more well-meaning, grizzled anti-hero. The nature of this story means that bringing Deathstroke to the big screen is a naturally interesting concept, as it leaves big questions about what moral compass this iteration of the figure will land on.
This story can also be easily extracted across a range of different releases when it comes to tone. Many of Deathstroke's comic appearances were action-packed and incredibly dark in tone, but other comics, including himself, were more comedic - and his inherently eccentric family would fit well with something more similar in tone to the superhero story he wrote James Gunn. previously encountered Guardians of the Galaxy movies and Suicide Squad. As such, it feels like Deathstroke fits tonally into almost any DC movie.
To add to all this, Deathstroke is linked to a number of major DC figureshe had notable storylines with much of the Justice League, although his stories often focused more on Batman and the hero's large superhero family. So whether the Deathstroke and Bane movie is part of the main DC Universe slate or not, it's clear that having Deathstroke in future films could work for a range of projects while still being used DC comic book history, which means we hope other issues follow suit.
Upcoming DC Movie Releases