Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern Civil Corps Special #1!A powerful new Red Lantern is about to make things very difficult for the already struggling members of the Green Lantern Corps. Things have gone to hell under the leadership of Lord Premier Thaaros, but a furious new Lantern is about to kick things up a notch.
Lord Premier Thaaros had spent the last several months fighting the emotional spectrum and had even discovered a way for his lanterns to use other parts of the spectrum. But now that the heroes have survived Absolute powerHal Jordan and his friends are out to make Thaaros pay. Unfortunately, he's saved his best, and biggest, design for last.
Green Lantern Mogo goes red in shocking twist
Thaaros unleashes a literal planet of rage in Final Attack
in Green Lantern Civil Corps Special #1 By Jeremy Adams, Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Salvador Larroca, Luis Guerrero and Dave Sharpe, John Stewart is robbed of the Dark Star Ring by his old ally Kilowog, who is not only alive, but also a Yellow Lantern. John is found by fellow Green Lanterns Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner and Kaolan Shepherd, as well as Star Sapphire Carol Ferris. After receiving a new set of power rings, The Green Lantern decided to go to Tanagar and inform the government of the planet about the treachery of Lord Premier Thaaros.
Unfortunately, when the Lanterns arrive at Thanagar, Thaaros is already there, and he convinces everyone that Hal and his associates are criminals. To make matters worse, Thaaros is also in possession of the Dark Star Ring that Kilowog stole. Thankfully, the team manages to prove their innocence by revealing one of Thaaros' double agents. But with Thaaros' plans exposed, He unleashes the power of the Dark Star Ring on the Green Lanterns. Thaaros unleashes Olgrun's power in every direction, putting everyone on Thanagar in danger.
Tharos summons his trump card, the planet Green Lantern Mogo…
Surprisingly, some members of Thaaros planet Durla planned for this and unleashed a powerful monster known as the Star Shroud on Thaaros. The Star Shroud fatally wounds Thaaros and moves on to try to get revenge against John. Amidst the battle, Tharos clings to life, swearing revenge against those who wronged him. With his last bits of life left, Thaaros summons his trump card, the planet Green Lantern Mogo, which arrives in Tanagar's orbit. however, The once gentle and noble Green Lantern is surrounded by flames and bears the Red Lantern symbol.
The DC Universe has found its most powerful Red Lantern ever
Mogo doesn't socialize...it destroys
It's no secret that the Red Lanterns are one of the strongest in the entire emotional spectrum. They are powered by storm and when the crimson light consumes them, they become unhinged, bordering on feral. While most Red Lanterns can think straight enough to form constructs, they do spew a corrosive bile that is strong enough to burn through any construct a Green Lantern can create. that is, Green Lanterns with strong enough willpower (like Hal Jordan) have been able to retain their sanity when taken by a red power ring and become greater threats than normal Red Lanterns.
... It has the potential to raise thousands of lanterns in a crimson fury.
Don't be fooled by Mogo's appearance. Yes, Mogo is a planet, but it's sentient and capable of generating constructs just like any other Lantern. In fact, Mogo was often one of the Corps' most vital Lanterns, not only because of his size, but his powerful psychic abilities. For years, Mogo was what ensured the Green Lantern Power Rings would find new owners. But Mogo is not just a transportation system. Mogo is a hardened warrior who served in many battles alongside his fellow Green LanternsIncluding the Sinestro Corps War.
Mogo's past with the Corps makes his sudden turn all the more tragic. Although he hasn't officially switched allegiances, Thaaros has Mogo literally see red. As Thaaros shifts his lanterns into new areas of the emotional spectrum, they have all the powers (and flaws) of their corresponding lights. The planet will not only remember its former allies, it has the potential to raise thousands of lanterns in a crimson fury. An average-sized Red Lantern can take a few Green Lanterns, however Someone Mogo's size could take on Green Lanterns as powerful as Hal or John.
Can the Green Lanterns save Mogo from Red Lantern Fury?
Or will the beloved chorus member lose what's left of his mind?
Unfortunately, the Green Lanterns still have no clue how Taoros is able to change his soldiers from one shade to another. Thanks to all the damage the emotional spectrum has suffered, there is no telling how, Mogo can go back to the way it was (especially since Thaaros did it right before he died). Mogo may be stuck in his new form, and if that's the case, everyone on Thanagar and the Green Lanterns are in grave danger of being destroyed by the most powerful Red Lantern ever.
Green Lantern Civil Corps Special #1 is available now from DC Comics.