DC's Most Powerful Kryptonian Explains Why Superman Never Uses His Sunset Power-Up

DC's Most Powerful Kryptonian Explains Why Superman Never Uses His Sunset Power-Up

There's no doubt that Superman is one of the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe, and surprisingly, he could be even stronger. Superman has one technique that can boost his strength to incredible heights, but he is too scared to use it. And now fans know exactly why Kal-El doesn't do any "sunbathing."

The reason for Superman's refusal to tan was revealed during Death metal event by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. In this massive This event pits the entire cast of the DC Universe against the army of the Dark Multiverse. One of the Dark Multiverse's strongest soldiers is none other than the Last Sun, a version of Superman driven mad by the power of the sun.

The Last Sun of Krypton vs. the Superman Family

This version of Superman has overwhelming power and is able to easily take on the entire Super Family and their villains. But the cost of this power is Superman's morality, as he no longer cares about humanity or anything else. This terrifying version of Superman is actually a manifestation of one of Superman's greatest fears.

"The Last Sun" is Superman's most powerful form and greatest fear.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: War of the Multiverses Magdalene Visaggio, Paul Pelletier

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Superman's strength comes from the Sun. The only reason he can jump over tall buildings and outrun a speeding train in one bound is because the yellow sun is shining on him. This allows him to save the world, and in times big When necessary, Superman bathed himself in the sun to increase his strength. This has led some people to question why Superman doesn't do this with every threat he faces. During Superman's fight with Doomsday, the situation could have been quickly resolved if he had simply spent a few minutes in the sun, but power is never in vain.

As the Dark Multiverse reveals, one of Superman's greatest fears is that he might one day be defeated by the power of the Sun. This is a reasonable concern, considering how much superior ordinary sunlight places humanity. If Superman spent years eating yellow suns, he would be so superior to humanity that he might not even recognize them anymore. In such a scenario, he would have no problem becoming a terrifying tyrant, as The Last Sun proved. Superman already has many famous lines about how he feels living in a cardboard world. If his strength increased another 100 times, he would not be able to live in the human world at all.

Superman's Deepest Fear: The Sun Could Corrupt Him

Even Superman's strength can eventually corrupt him

This fear of Clark's is a brilliant way to explain why he can't just defeat every enemy he faces. IN Died universe, Clark spends some years consuming the yellow sun. When he came out, he was able to fight Kryptonian, Green Lantern, Amazon, Cyborg and two version of Shazam. This incredible amount of energy, and that was only after Superman had barely used up lonely Sun. Superman eating dozens would make him invincible, which is exactly what Superman fears.

Superman has a lot of fears, one of which is that he will never truly fit in with humanity or that Superman is just a bullet that doomed Earth, just like Krypton. What should have been Superman's greatest source of strength turned out to be his greatest fear. Superman can never take full advantage of tanning because he is absolutely terrified that if he spends too much time in the sun he won't turn into Supermanbut like a monster.