DC's Mightiest Hero Officially Joins the Bat-Family (With Enough Power to Crush Superman)

DC's Mightiest Hero Officially Joins the Bat-Family (With Enough Power to Crush Superman)

Warning! Spoilers for DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3!DC's heroes have defeated threat after threat and constantly saved the planet, but they can't win all the time, and in one universe, the Bat family were beaten by the vampire army. The majority of superheroes, like Wonder Woman and Superman, have joined the vampires, but one surprising Bat-family member can still defeat all the threats with ease: daughter-in-law.

The only family member who could end the bloody war with a wave of his finger was revealed in DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3's backup story "A Hero for the Trying Times" by Tyler Boss, Mikel Muerto and Becca Curry. Bat-Mate finds his way to Earth, and wants another adventure with his idol Batman, only to discover that the entire planet seems destroyed, with the Batcave empty and Wayne Manor lying in ruins. It is here that Bat-Mite eventually discovers that Batman is dead.

Comic book panel: Bat-Mite sits on a blood-covered giant anvil.

Heartbroken at the news, Bat-Mite moves from hero to hero, trying to regain the fanboy spark he had with Batman, but Geo-Force, Vigilante, Talon, and others all end up being murdered by the vampires that Bat-Mite Put in their way as a challenge. Just as Bat-Mite seems to be losing hope, he is captured by Damian Wayne and finally Reintegrates back into the bat-family as its most powerful member.

Bat-Mite officially becomes Alfred-Mite in the world of DC vs Vampires

DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3 Story "A Hero for the Trying Times" by Taylor Boss, Mikel Muerto and Becca Curry

Comic Book Page: Bat-Mite transforms into Alfred-Mite

Fifth dimensional imps like Bat-Mite are some of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe.. With their incredible power, they can warp reality as they wish. When the Joker has this power in Emperor Joker Through Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness, Joe Kelly and Doug Mahnke, he was able to completely recreate the Earth in his image and even erase the universe before reconstructing it the way he wanted. This level of power is simply beyond anything the vampires have at their disposal. With a single click, Bat-Mite can solve every problem on earth for the Bat-Family.

Wondering exactly how vampires managed to take over the world? Check out the first 12 issues DC vs Vampires Series by James Tynion IV, Matthew Rosenberg, Otto Schmidt and more, which are now available both digitally and in collected editions from DC Comics.

There doesn't seem to be any cure for vampirism in this universe. Harley Quinn's blood had a cure in it at one point, but she was killed when Barbara Gordon allowed herself to become a vampire. Deathstroke discovered that the Lazarus Pits could cure vampirism, but they were hard to find, and all known pits were hunted down and destroyed by the vampires. Neither science nor magic seems to have any effect on vampirismAnd it affects people regardless of their race, as humans, Amazonians, Martians and Kryptonians are all infected.

The vampires of DC vs Vampires seem completely unstoppable

There is no cure for this vampirism

Every time the heroes try to find a way to cure the vampirism disease, they are thwarted. Considering the power difference between characters like Black Canary, Green Arrow and a vampiric Wonder Woman, there is simply no hope for the former heroes to defeat the latter. That's why medicine was once so important to history. It seemed like the heroes were completely out of options. But Now that Bat-Mite has arrived, they should finally be able to win the warAnd they will be able to do it with ease. Bat-Mite was probably more than willing to help the heroes, but he couldn't be contacted and there was no guarantee that he would show up.


Now that Bat-Mate is finally here and in touch with the Bat-Family, things may be going better than ever. with his powers over reality, It would be no problem for Bat-Mite to simply heal everyone on Earth of the vampire disease. With a simple snap, Wonder Woman and everyone else would be cured. Bat-Mite has the power to change the universe, so something like this would be no big deal to him. But the question is whether he will even help. While Bat-Mite has agreed to take on a role of service, his past behavior is somewhat concerning.

Bat-mate likes to see his heroes overcome challenges on their own

So he can't even help

As Geo-Force and dozens of other heroes found out, Bat-Mite enjoys seeing his fixations overcome challenges. Even when he tries to help, the help can often come with catastrophic results, which is why he rarely helped Batman when he was alive. While the Bat-Family could ask him to simply wipe out all the vampires or cure them instantly, he may not be inclined to do so.

After all, this is the biggest challenge the Bat-Family has ever faced—much bigger than anything Batman is up against. With that in mind, see these Bat family Overcoming the vampire threat completely on their own would be the greatest outcome for a fanboy like daughter-in-law.

DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3 is now available from DC Comics!