It may have come at the worst possible time, but the most humorous incarnation Justice League finally together again. After months of planning, Amanda Waller finally begins hunting down the world's metahuman population. Heroes from around the world unite to resist the onslaught, including the beloved Justice League International.
IN Absolute Power #1 Mark Waid and Dan Mora, Amanda Waller whips the crowd into a frenzy. She seizes control of all media and broadcasts AI-generated videos showing superheroes going crazy and attacking innocent civilians. All over the world, people fear for their lives and respond by attacking any superhuman they encounter.
As Cyborg, Oracle, and other tech-savvy heroes track down the source of the videos, the heroes take to the streets to confront the narrative. In London, Martian Manhunter teams up with his old Justice League International teammates Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Fire, Ice and Elongated Man.
The Justice League International returns to face a global calamity
There were several versions of the Justice League, but few were remembered as fondly as Justice League International. This team was the first incarnation of the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths and avoided traditional team members in favor of new or lesser-known characters. Many fans consider the JLI era to be one of the team's boldest updates. Although this incarnation was eventually replaced, The JLI has had several reunions over the years, including a brief revival of its title during the New 52.. Unfortunately, it's been a few years since they've been in the spotlight.
Of course, this is not technically a revival of the team. In the panel where they appear, they are not addressed as "Justice League International", but rather by their individual names. But it's still nice to see the team together, even if it's not the whole team. It's also strange to see them all together right now. Justice League International as a whole was a more light-hearted and fun version of the team, but there's nothing funny about what's going on in the DC Universe right now. But can this panel a hint at the possible future of the iconic Justice League team?
Could the Justice League International be returning?
There is currently no Justice League in the world. Although Amanda Waller is doing everything she can to put an end to superheroes for good, things will almost certainly end in the heroes' favor. When things get back to normal, maybe it's time for the JLI to get back together. They still fight effectively together, and after such a dark event, fans will need some levity. What better team to lift the spirits of the DC Universe than to bring back the most comedic version of the DC Universe forever? Justice League?
Absolute Power #1 available now from DC Comics.