DC's evil Wonder Woman crossed a line, making even Diana's most brutal kills seem kind

DC's evil Wonder Woman crossed a line, making even Diana's most brutal kills seem kind

Warning: Contains potential spoilers for Absolute Power: TASK FORCE VII #6!

DC's evil Wonder WomanTHE AMAZO-N, first made his debut by attacking Diana Prince and the Justice League Dark. Now, the power-stealing robot has made the conflict personal by targeting Themyscira and killing one of Diana's Amazon sisters. This is a significant escalation in Absolute powerAs it is the first time that Amaza has murdered an innocent in cold blood.

The Wonder Woman-inspired AMAZO has become an unrestrained villain with god-like powers, ready to kill indiscriminately.

in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6, by Stephanie Williams and Khary Randolph, Themyscira is thrust at the heart of Amanda Waller's war against metahumans. DC's remaining heroes are forced to flee to the island through a portal after their base, Superman's Fortress of Solitude, is destroyed by a brainwashed Jon Kent, the Brainian Queen and the Martian Manhunter-inspired Amazo.

Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 Amazon Kill Pt 1

However, this escape unintentionally puts Queen Nubia and the Amazons on Waller's radar, leading The villain to send one of her power-stealing Amazons to deliver a brutal message: Amazons interference will not be tolerated.

DC's evil Wonder Woman attacks Themyscira and kills one of Diana's Amazon sisters

"There is no power to exclude from you, but your life I will take in exchange" - The AMAZO-N in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6

absolute power task force vii #6 amazo-n kill pt 2

Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6 opens with the AMAZO-N descending on Themyscira under Amanda Waller's orders. The robot, which is responsible for identifying and absorbing the powers of the heroes protected by the Amazons, is also there to give a warning to Queen Nubia about interfering in Waller's war. With the arcane powers it absorbed from the Justice League dark in Wonder Woman #11, the AMAZO-N easily locates the typically cloaked island. Upon arrival, it meets an Amazon, whom it kills without hesitationcold explaining, "There is no power to flow from you, but your life I will take in exchange."

The deadly encounter unfolds in mere seconds, before the Amazon can even react, she crumples to the ground with a resounding thud, her death almost instantaneous. What makes this moment even more shocking is that AMAZOs are not typically known for killing- Especially not innocent ones like this Amazon, who was neither evil nor a meta-human. This brutal act not only raises the stakes in the Absolute power Conflict, however, also makes Waller's war intensely personal for Wonder Woman. By bringing the fight to Themyscira and claiming the life of one of Diana's sisters, Waller crossed a dangerous line.

THE AMAZO-N: Amanda Waller's Wonder Woman-inspired, power-stealing AMAZO robot

The Amazo-N first debuted in wonder woman #11 by Tom King

Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 cover Wonder Woman

The AMAZO-N is one of six power-stealing Amazos in Amanda Waller's Failsafe-led Task Force VII. Each Amazo is modeled after a member of the Justice League, with the AMAZO-N specifically designed to mirror Wonder Woman. like the others, The AMAZO-N is inhabited by the personality of one of the Zur-En-Arrh Batmans from across the multiverse and is currently under Waller's control. Until now Absolute powerThe Amazons are tasked with hunting down metahumans - both villains and heroes - and draining their powers before trapping them in Waller's secret metahuman facility.

Among the Amazons, the AMAZO-N stands out as one of the most formidable. It currently possesses the powers of Wonder Woman, the Shazam Kids, John Constantine, Detective Chimp, Madame Xanadu, and, most notably, Jim"The specter"Corrigan- One of the most powerful entities in the DC Universe. These powers are absorbed into Tom King's Wonder Woman #11, although it's likely that the AMAZO-N also leaked other heroes off-page. Essentially a walking powerhouse, the AMAZO-N has now demonstrated its lethal nature in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6 By killing indiscriminately, making it even more dangerous.


Waller's Superman-inspired Amazo debuted by killing an iconic Justice League villain

The last sun killed parasite in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #1 (and then slipped out)

Absolute Power Task Force VII #1 Last Sun Killing Parasite

Besides the AMAZO-N, only one other Amazo has killed: The Last Son. This makes both the AMAZO-N and The Last Son outliers in Task Force VII, as the other Amazos have yet to be shown to kill. The last son, Waller's Superman-inspired Amazo, made a memorable debut in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #1 When it was after Billy and Mary Marvel after their narrow escape from the AMAZO-N in Wonder Woman #11. What made this debut so notable, however, was that after using the Justice League villain Parasite to track down the Shazam kids, The Last Son killed Parasite, which was the first time an Amazo took a life.

This not only increased the stakes in Absolute power But also revealed a significant flaw in Amazon's programming. The last sun began to slip and malfunction immediately after killing the parasite, A malfunction later confirmed in others Absolute power Bond-ins to be a result of the Amazons absorbing the morals of the heroes whose powers they stole. When they kill or act violently, the conflict with the absorbed values ​​causes them to malfunction. However, the AMAZO-N did not suffer the same malfunction, as Waller recently rebooted the Amazos to override the glitch.


The AMAZO-N just escalated absolute power by killing an innocent

Amanda Waller's AMAZO reboot works a little too well

Absolute Power #1 Wonder Woman and Amazo

Mark Waid and Dan Mora Absolute power #3 revealed that Amanda Waller and Failsafe rebooted their Amazons after discovering they were infected with a virus of "identity," Caused by absorbing the morals of the heroes whose powers they are stealing. As a result, when the AMAZO-N attacks Themyscira in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6, which takes place after the reboot, does not malfunction after killing the Amazon. This is particularly alarming, as the glitch was previously the Amazons' one vulnerability that could be exploited to defeat them. now, With the reboot in place, Waller's Task Force came out "unstoppable" Once again.

The lack of malfunction of the AMAZO-N after killing the Amazon is troubling enough, but what makes this incident even more alarming is that the victim was an innocent. In contrast to The Last Son, which killed a metahuman villain like Parasite, the AMAZO-N targeted a non-meta, essentially a civilian. This reveals a dangerous lack of restraint that could lead to the taking of more innocent lives. Waller's reboot, designed to eliminate moral conflict and identity in her workforce, seems to have worked too well—especially with the Wonder Woman-inspired AMAZO, who has now become an unrestrained villain with god-like powers, ready to kill indiscriminately.

Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6 is now available from DC Comics!

Absolute Power: TASK FORCE VII #6 (2024)

Absolute Power Task Force VII 6 Main Cover Solits: Wonder Woman Amazo stands above a crowd of Amazons, including Diana and Nubia.

  • Writer: Stephanie Williams

  • Artist: Harry Randolph

  • Colorist: Alex Guimarães

  • Writer: Dave Sharpe

  • Cover artist: Leslie Lee