DC's evil Flash unveils his ultimate form, mastering an underrated Speed ​​Force power

DC's evil Flash unveils his ultimate form, mastering an underrated Speed ​​Force power


Amanda Waller Flash-inspired, power-styling Amazo has returned to the Absolute power storyline, now zeroing in on Barry Allen - the last remaining Flash in the DCU with his speedster powers intact. As Speed ​​relentlessly chases Barry, the Amazo reveals his formidable ultimate form, powered by an underrated Speed ​​Force ability.

Barry Allen deserves the title of DC's best Flash for his ability to hold his own against a villain that no other speedster can.

in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #5 by Alex Paknadel and Pete Woods Velocity relentlessly pursues Barry Allen across the globe, aiming to drain his speedster powers and imprison him in Waller's secret prison for heroes and villains. Despite the speed draining the rest of the Flash family's powers and being significantly faster, Barry manages to stay ahead.

Jai West in Absolute Power Task Force VII #5

To avoid capture, Barry hides in a storage unit under the Flash Museum, which contains various magical artifacts. however, Speed ​​is fast to overcome this barrier by tapping the super strength of Jai WestThe relentless pursuit remains.

Speed: Amanda Waller's Flash-inspired Amazo Lord's Jay West's super strength

Jai's super strength gives speed his ultimate form

Task Force VII Absolute Power #5 Speed

Wally's son Jay is one of the most unique speedsters in the DC Universe, with his Speed ​​Force powers manifesting in distinctive ways compared to his twin sister and other speedsters. Among the unique abilities is Jai's super strength, which he accesses through the kinetic hyper-stimulation of his muscle molecules. With Jay drained of his powers, Velocity now harnesses this speedster-specific strength to break through the barrier separating him from Barry and continue his pursuit of one of DC's most iconic Flashes.

What is particularly striking about Velocity tapping into this power is that it also changes its outer appearance, revealing what could be considered its final form. In essence, speed undergoes a transformation similar to "Sound out," With his form expanding significantly and taking on the appearance of massive, bulging muscles, as if he were made of flesh and bone rather than metal and screws. Physical adjustment to reflect the use of power seems to be a common trait among the Amazons, vi Both Deep Charge and Jadestone have been transferred into more powerful forms when accessing specific abilities.


Barry Allen may not be the fastest Flash in the DCU, but his encounter with speed proves he's still the best

Barry Allen is the last bottle standing Absolute power

Barry Allen flash crouching next to speed surrounded by electricity DC Featured

Barry's encounter with speed is notable not only because the Amazo Hulks out, but also because it highlights Barry's exceptional skill. Despite Velocity draining the rest of the Flash family's powers and being much faster with access to abilities Barry doesn't possess, Barry still manages to outwit him. At one point, Barry even temporarily traps Speed ​​in the Speed ​​Force. This display of talent, skill and ingenuity demonstrates that while Barry Allen may not be the fastest speedster, he still deserves the title of DC's best Flash For his ability to hold his own against a villain no other speedster can.

Absolute Power: Task Force VII #5 is now available from DC Comics!

Absolute Power: TASK FORCE VII #5 (2024)

Absolute Power Task Force VII 5 Cover Flash running from Velocity DC

  • Writer: Alex Pacnadel

  • Artist: Pete Woods

  • Writer: Dave Sharpe

  • Cover artist: Pete Woods