DC rewrites a cornerstone rule of its entire continuity, beginning Bold New Era

DC rewrites a cornerstone rule of its entire continuity, beginning Bold New Era

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Absolute Power #4 and DC All in Special #1!A huge change has come to these DC Universe Which redefines everything for the iconic multiverse. Absolute power reaches its dramatic final issue and the only way to stop Amanda Waller's power grab is by doing something that has a dramatic effect on DC's alternate Earth.

Waller managed to steal powers from every superhuman on Earth and arrested most of them. But it wasn't enough to just take down the heroes of Prime Earth as Waller set her sights on every Earth in the DC Multiverse. An army of heroes rises to stop Waller's mission, only to completely change the entire DC cosmology.

Flash cut DC's main Earth from the multiverse

Amanda Waller was stopped, but a high price was paid

in Absolute Power #4 By Mark Waid, Dan Mora, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher, the heroes have reassembled after they broke out of Amanda Waller's prison and are armed with weapons courtesy of Green Lantern. However, as the army fights Waller's forces up, the Flash (thankfully still in possession of his powers) is alone as he fights several speedsters from across the multiverse. Waller has recruited hundreds of villains as part of A larger campaign to bring the entire DC Universe under her control.

Thankfully, Green Lantern comes to Flash's aid. While Hal takes care of the army, Flash looks into the multiversal portal Valer built. Barry quickly analyzes the machine and admits that the physics of the gate completely confuses him. Green Lantern gets a boost of willpower from Jay Garrick and Wally West, but they ask Barry to turn it off as quickly as possible. Flash warns them if he does, Prime Earth will be removed from the multiverse Always. With no other choice, the Scarlet Speedster pushes his powers to the limit and destroys the portal.

... The Scarlet Speedster pushes his powers to the limit and destroys the portal.

The heroes successfully defeat Amanda Waller and regain their powers by destroying the Amazons that took their abilities in the first place. The massive event even winds up with some heroes gaining new, unexpected powers. As the dust settles, Jay, Wally and Flash discuss the fallout. Garrick confirms that Barry was right and that the vibrational access speedsters have to the alternate worlds is gone. Wally also confirms that he has tried everythingEven he can't find a way to another Earth in DC's multiverse.

DC's multiverse has expanded and contracted over the years

From infinity to one to 52 and beyond

Over the last century, the DCU has gone through a number of changes, especially as reboots and shifts to continuity have come into play. The multiverse began in earnest in the Silver Age when Barry Allen accidentally traveled to another world by vibrating his molecules at the frequency of a neighboring Earth. The Flash traveled to Earth-2, the home of the older heroes from DC's Golden Age, giving the stories from earlier a home in DC continuity. In the coming years, Other Earths would be established within the greater DC Multiverse To the point where it contains an infinite number of worlds.

Barry's trip to Earth-2 can be seen in the classic "Bottle of Two Worlds" story in The Bottle #123!

However, the countless universes were eliminated in the iconic event series Crisis on Infinite Earthswhich saw the Anti-Monitors destroy thousands of alternate worlds. Several Earths survived and were combined into one unified timeline and this was the state of the DC Universe for approximately two decades. It wasn't until Infinite Crisis That Alexander Luthor revived the multiverse in an effort to find a perfect world. But unlike the previous, limitless structure, this new multiverse was limited to 52 worlds. Although it wouldn't be long Before DC's multiverse changed again.

as of Dark Crisis on Infinite EarthsThe normal multiverse returned to its original limitless state...

The Convergence Event reveals that all timelines that have been seen still exist. Later, the event Dark Nights: Death Metal saw the multiverse destroyed, although it was recreated and revealed to be part of a larger 'omniverse' composed of multiple multiverses that make up the divine continuum. as of Dark Crisis on Infinite EarthsThe normal multiverse returned to its original limitless state after Pariah, a player in Crisis on Infinite EarthsBecame insane and almost destroyed reality. Fortunately, the Justice League stopped him and Barry Allen began charting the new multiverse and its new worlds.

DC now only has two worlds that matter: Main and Absolute

DC has already replaced its multiverse with a strange New World

To cut the DC Universe off from the larger DC Multiverse is great, but what happened in Absolute power Only half the story is told. The same week that Absolute Power #4 came out DC All In Special #1 Hit the shelves, which saw Darkseid's physical form be destroyed and unleash his energy out into the world. With nowhere else to go, Darkseid's energy tore a hole through reality and traveled to the young, impressionable Elseworld, where the energy imprinted on it and creating the new Absolute Universe.

Be sure to get a copy of DC All In Special #1 By Scott Snyder, Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Wes Craig and Dan Mora, on sale now!

While DC Comics is currently exploring some of its alternate worlds in books like Batman: Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age And DC vs. Vampires: World War VNone of them will have any real impact on Prime Earth. With Flash destroying the multiversal portal, there is no way for any hero from any other world to travel. The only connection the Prime DCU has now is with the Absolute Universe And with it radiating the same energy as Darkseid, the heroes of DC may not be so keen to enter a visit.

... The only neighbor the Prime Earth has is the one created by Darkseid.

The multiverse is often a reflection of the state of the divine continuum at any given moment. During the Infinite Frontier and Dawn of DC eras, it felt like anything could happen. Now the multiverse is sealed off and the only neighbor Prime Earth has is the one created by Darkseid. Although fans haven't had the chance to see much of the new world, Scott Snyder has discussed how dangerous the new addition to the Absolute Universe is. whatever happens next, DC's heroes are on their own and can't turn to the multiverse for help.

What does the future hold for DC's multiverse?

When will DC's multiverse return?

Flash racing through the time and space of DC Comics

The good thing is that unlike Crisis on Infinite Earths, the multiverse isn't gone, it's just closed. Of course, it's not known how deep Amanda Waller's damage is, so it could be a while before fans see it. But as long as the Absolute Universe exists, there is still a multiverse for fans to enjoy. It's just smaller and more manageable to follow. Although fans will have to make do with a simplified multiverse for now, it's still there waiting for the Prime DC Universe To connect it again.

Absolute Power #4 is available now from DC Comics.